Readers may find April DeConick’s series on how the Jesus Seminar is “bankrupt” of interest (her word). April, a professor at Rice University, is by no means a defender of traditional orthodoxy with respect to Christianity. She views the Gnostic material and theology much too positively for that. Below are the links to her now four-part series on why she thinks the Jesus created by the Jesus Seminar is suspect. I agree with a number of her observations, though we’d go in different directions on replacing that Jesus with something better. She is hardly alone in her criticisms, especially of method. Since the Jesus Seminar is passed off by less-than-astute popular religion media (every year it seems to make the covers of TIME, Newsweek, around Easter), her criticisms are worth reading.
Even Scholars Do PaleoBabble

Jesus was son of Julius Caesor and Cleopatra and had half brothers Alexander Helious and his twin Selene sons of both Mark Antony and Cleopatra. THEY all hung on the crosses that day ROME and ISRAEL the east got rid of any rising powers to CLAIM the LANDS of their FATHER’S AND MOTHER.
Julius Caesor first wife of rome had the only son that lived LULLUS….
Rome used the story of the old pagan son gods to make Jesus a god, to bring a broken nation together under one god….all is not as it seems to be…There are so many spiritual others at work in the nations and people of this earth….you know nothing and see nothing and hear notheing. You are in a Great Horror of Darkenss.
sorry – this is all nonsense without any coherence or chronological basis. Frankly, this is your only comment I can follow; not sure what the other points are supposed to be.
They see the PLUNB LINES of G-D and of SATAN’S sons the house of Cain that was removed from the FACE of this earth and from the sight of G-D. Genesis 4:14 to be above but never to live below, to fly over like a brid, never to land.
LINES of G-D in the hand of Zerubbabel read: 2 Chronicles 16:9, Nehemiah 4:2, Proverbs 15:3 Jer.16:17 Ezekiel 1:14 Amos 7:2 Amos 7:5 Amos 7:7 Amos 7:8.
And there are lines for the 7 spirits of the Princes that fell with us..Ps.82:5 to 8 read. They bring the Princes’s sons in and out the MIGHTY MEN of Jer.5:15-17 and Jer.6:22-23 and Jer.50:41-42 and Isaiah 18:3 down.