Subscribers Click here for to go to archive for latest issue

Since the publication of The Facade, many readers have asked me for MORE.  I'm not speaking of sequels (and, yes, I am planning on writing sequels), but more information.  Specifically, I’ve gotten repeated requests for sound academic teaching in regard to the theology articulated in the book, and more credible information about the UFO / Paperclip / occult connection. 

Toward meeting these requests, I decided to create a monthly newsletter called "BEHIND THE FACADE.”  Each monthly issue will be packed with information arranged into several features:

News and Headlines - I'll comb through the Web for articles relating to topics addressed in The Façade.  Some of these websites would be familiar to subscribers, but I'll save you the time.

The Briefing Room - Aside from news and information, there is a good bit of material out there on the web that can expand on subjects broached in The Facade, especially UFOs and the alien abduction phenomenon.  This column is devoted to filling in the gaps on varied subjects, but the information is not necessarily current - it's just fascinating stuff.

Book & Article Reviews - Each issue will give you several book or article reviews on subjects ranging from biblical studies, ancient languages, conspiracy theory, ufology, and occult studies.  The reviews will either be written by myself or a DCSG associate, or by a credible scholar in those cases where the review comes from a peer-reviewed website containing reviews.  No half-baked reviews written as part of a therapy exercise.

Divine Council Forum – When the newsletter began several years ago, I used this space to write on the divine council for interested readers.  It filled a need since there is almost nothing in print about the divine council except for expensive, technical literature for Semitics scholars.  The "Divine Council Forum" has now evolved to a space where I am dispensing my next book (an introduction to the divine council and the Old Testament’s supernatural worldview) for reader critique and input.  For many current subscribers, this feature alone is worth the subscription price.  If you are a Bible student who wants to get beyond “playing church,” this is for you. 

Author News - This is where you can keep up with any developments that affect The Facade and its sequels, as well as other projects I'm working on.


So How Does This Work?

Each issue is a PDF file and is password protected.  You’ll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader (5.0 or higher) to read it.  Most computers come with it pre-loaded.  If you don’t have it, you can download it here for free.

When you subscribe via PayPal below, I’ll get notification.  You’ll receive an email (allow a day or two) with the user name and password for accessing current and past issues (back to January 2005).  Once you access the archive page using the user name and password, you'll also be able to access older divine council files in the form of the first draft of Mike's next book (available in monthly installments in the newsletter).  Non-subscribers can still purchase the old files through

A one-year subscription is $10.00 (12 issues).  I figure that this rate, a bit more than 80 cents per month, will make the project annually self-sustaining, assuming enough people are interested.  Similar newsletters or magazines, like Coast to Coast AM’s After Dark, are three times as much, and come nowhere close to the quality of material.  Besides, you won't get anything like this anywhere else.  You're paying for both a service (combing the news) and for content (the DCSG material).  I will take your email address off the mailing list after one year when your subscription expires, so if you don't get a password one month, your time may be up.  If it's not and you don't get a password, contact me.

The October 2005 issue is available free on this site for your perusal.  Have a look at it and then come back here.

Ready to Subscribe?  Click HERE!