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Email reviews, page 2

"I heard your most recent Coast-to-Coast appearance and just finished reading your book.  It's a page turner for sure!  As regards intellectual content, your book puts "Left Behind" so far in the shade!  Thank God for a book of Christian fiction which I do not need to disclaim or apologize for.  You have done a great job of extending orthodox Christian thinking to grapple with important modern mysteries."

Stephen Kovaka

"I've always had an inquisitive mind. I have always had an interest in the UFO phenomenon, although I haven't studied it. As a Christian, the Left Behind series captivated me and increased my awareness of end times prophecy. I have always been skeptical about the government, their cover-ups and the things they do about which only the most discerning ever have a clue. Previous explanations regarding events in Genesis have rung hollow, usually only being thoughts of the person I was questioning, rather than supporting facts based from other ancient texts. The spiritual world interests me. I've heard too much from very reputable people to think there is nothing going on there. The Facade floored me. I read the book early this year and it has disturbed me ever since. The story was captivating, but the content behind the story and documents proving that content is what's scary. The Facade went much deeper and provided much more insight into what is probably going on around us than the Left Behind Series. It would be less disturbing if Heiser didn't back up his information with so much proof, and if all the data didn't fit together so well.  Having read this book, I feel like my eyes have been opened. It seems I read something at least once a week in the news or media that supports or corresponds to the information in the Facade. It will give you a whole new perspective."

John Norquay

"Having read many works in the modern UFO phenomena as well as those from the ancient past, I was pleased and blown away by what Heiser has written. He is so close to the truth that it really is disconcerting - he writes this as fiction (and a damn fine story at that) with every conceivable known fact thrown in - cattle mutes, Semitic texts,  nanotechnology, Mt. Weather, Area 51, cloning, OBE's, and the list goes on and on.  What he pulls off is one of the most enjoyable and thought provoking reads I've had since reading the late FR. Malachi Martin's works and Steven Hawking. Heiser knows his stuff and weaves a tapestry of fine storytelling without allowing the story to loose its purpose. I can't wait for his next book and plan on purchasing a copy of his dissertation when he completes that as well. Even though Heiser doesn't have much use for the work of Zechariah Sitchin I highly recommend checking out the 12th Planet. The contribution of these two men on our origins and place in the universe is immense. Check it out, open your eyes, and hold on for the ride - you won't regret it."

Jason R. Blalack

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