Recommended Books

 Biblical Hebrew / Hebrew Bible
 Biblical Greek / Greek NT
 Aramaic and Syriac
 Akkadian and Sumerian
 Egyptian Hieroglyphs & Coptic
 ANE Literature
 Old Testament Introduction
 History and Religion of Israel
 New Testament Introduction
 Greek Septuagint
 Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha
 1 Enoch
 Dead Sea Scroll
s & Rabbinics

 Historical Jesu
s & Revisionist Jesus
 Gnostic Gospels




 Recommended Books 
Many of these resources are available in searchable, electronic form through LOGOS

Biblical Hebrew / Hebrew Bible

* most recommended: Futato; Landes; Long


Biblical Greek / Greek NT

* most recommended: Black, Silva, Wilson


Aramaic and Syriac

most recommended: Greenspahn; Healey



Akkadian and Sumerian

 A Grammar of Akkadian / By John Huehnergard (Harvard Semitic Studies)

 Key to a Grammar of Akkadian (Harvard Semitic Monographs)

 A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts (Aids and Research Tools in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, No 5)


most recommended: Wyatt (English translations of Ugaritic texts); Schniedewind (Sivan is a reference grammar and not for beginners)



 Egyptian Hieroglyphs &Coptic

most recommended: Manley (then Allen); Layton


Ancient Near Eastern Literature in English translation



Old Testament Introduction

most recommended: Walton & Hill (but Arnold is for absolute beginners)



Israelite History and Religion



New Testament Introduction



Greek Septuagint



Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha

most recommended: Charlesworth (both vols); DeSilva; Evans


 1 Enoch

most recommended: VanderKam & Nickelsburg translation (others are technical works)


 Dead Sea Scrolls & Rabbinics


Historical Jesus & Revisionist Jesus



Gnostic Gospels