Yesterday I announced that a special edition of The Façade is being released. You can get it for 25% off from Vyrso. Along with some never-before-seen bonus content, the special edition includes the first five chapters of the sequel.

So what is the title of the sequel?

Use the hints below and post your guess in the comments section for a chance to win a free copy of The Façade: Special Edition.

The sequel title has two words. The first is “the” so you’re half way there. For those who have access to the normal edition of the book as it’s been sold to this point,  the second word of the sequel title can be found somewhere in chapter 66. The word occurs only once in the chapter (its only occurrence in the entire book).

Be the first to guess correctly and you’ll win a free copy of The Façade: Special Edition from Kirkdale Press and Vyrso. Post your guess in the comments!