You have to wonder after reading this essay at “What is Up with those Pentagon UFO Videos?”

The article basically traces the history of the videos that accompanied the now famous NT Times article about a secret government program investigating UFOs (the AATIP: Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program). Part of that history involves Tom DeLonge’s “To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science” enterprise (pun intended). The article also notes in passing something students of UFO history already know well: that the military-industrial complex had more than a passing interest in using the UFO phenomenon to manipulate public thought. Perhaps they still do.

If you’re interested at ll in the UFO Disclosure dream (or fantasy), the article is really worth your time. Here’s part of the summary conclusion:

After all the unclassifications and release-denials, this information shouldn’t surprise you. We’ve pretty clearly established that whatever these videos show, they don’t seem important enough for the Pentagon to get in a tizzy over. And while the fact that one of them has shown up online before doesn’t prove that they didn’t originate with the military, it does call that chain of custody into question. Without official confirmation or available documentation (and more documentation than WIRED saw), you can’t be sure what you’re viewing is unadulterated footage, and you can’t be sure who recorded it first. . . .

It’s true, a Navy pilot named David Fravor did give an account to the Times of his 2004 experience with a UFO, and an unnamed source provided a report in September 2017 of the same events to To The Stars Academy. But squint just a little to see that there’s no definitive link between these accounts and that video. The witnesses give a description of an alleged strange event, and the video shows an encounter with a strange object. But without a time and location stamp of some sort, viewers can’t know whether the witnesses are actually describing what’s in the video. And, beyond that, there’s no definitive link between this video and AATIP.