No, we’re not talking about ancient astronauts (kites from outer space!).
I’m not sure why this was even in the news. Maybe a slow day for archaeo-journalism. I remember reading about the desert kites and their explanation (hunting/herding) in the 1990s while I was at Penn in grad school. Not sure what the mystery is/was.
You know as I see these features that stretch miles and miles I can’t help but think of them as ancient form of what the world population is going through now. We are all be hearded toward poverty and enslavement. Literally it is in the ptb plan under agenda 21 of the UN to herd all of us into small centers of population in america where we will all eventually be enslaved and branded. It also, knowng the nature of the watchers, makes me wonder of it were just for the animals, perhaps at first but when things were getting more and more crazy and the nephilim were eating everything in site according to Enoch, I can’t help but wonder if they weren’t for the populace too. shades of the Morlock.
Yes, Bark. Also: something something illuminati…plot to…something something trilateral commission…in an attempt to…oak island…subjegte the masses…blah blah bohemian grove…knights templar…something about shape shifting lizard men with laser beam stone cutting devices. That ought to about cover it.