I’ve mentioned the Journal of Cosmology on this blog before. This online academic journal is known for producing some high-level articles, but has been criticized as well for stirring controversy (most notably the recent claims of “alien bacteria” published in the journal by Dr. Richard Hoover — from which NASA distanced itself).

The journal recently released its September-October 2011 issue. Sure enough, there’s something of interest for readers of this blog.  In particular, the article entitled “Creationism, Neo-Darwinism, and Panspermia” caught my attention. Here is the abstract:

Creationists and neo-Darwinists have spent the past several decades engaged in a sullen trench warfare, occasionally firing at each other with little effect. We argue in this article that an acceptance of panspermia as a “third way” might lead to a long over-due reconciliation between the contending groups.

The short article is worth a read. I think it telling in that it betrays that, at least for some panspermia theorists, this is a religion — and one that is ultimately about trans-humanism. The article ends as follows:

It is not inconceivable that our distant descendants 1000 years from now might evolve further, becoming, from our perspective, super-humans. They might be able to work out the requirements for directed panspermia, perhaps launching our planet’s entire assemblage of genes into space18. This might be science fiction today, but science fiction can sometimes turn into science fact. Many distinguished scientists have expressed similar views, including Sir Arthur Eddington, and Sir Fred Hoyle, who wrote: “A commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature…” (quotation from Hoyle, F., 1982. The Universe: Past and Present Reflections, Ann.Rev.Astron.Astrophys., 20, 15).