I just wanted to give readers a heads-up on this. Some readers of my Zecharia Sitchin website have been unable to re-create the search for all occurrences of the Anunnaki in Sumerian texts via the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. (For those to whom that website is unknown, I have a video showing people how to run that search and see the results). Today I added a work-around for anyone who has trouble to the page that contains that video (with screen shots).
I invite all ancient astronaut enthusiasts and Sitchin worshippers to run that search. Find out for yourself why Sitchin is wrong (don’t take my word for it). If you lack the courage to do that, you should stop talking about how open-minded you are.
Hello mister Heiser, my excuses for being off-topic, but searching through the web I wasn’t able to find an e-mail adress of yours, so I use this comment function thing for a brief question: I have just read some material on your Divine Council website (Introduction to the Divine Council (Excerpted from Mike’s book in progress – Chapter 3). If you are kind, can you please inform me if this book has been or is yet to be published? If it has been, where can it be purchased? Thank you very much, have nice day!
My email is on my homepage under “Contact Mike”; the Myth draft is still a draft; it’s not published. The first draft is sold “as is” as PDF here:
Thank you very much!
I’ve already made posts on other blogs, the Annunaki and **Nibiru is still a pressing matter and related to my question. I debunk planet X hoaxes and many other factless doomsday frauds, I try to pull people out of their holes of fear and belief of baloney. NOT always easy; you should remember me. I replied to a naysayer about his assumptions and opinions, plus he outright lied about me and my Youtube channel…
I’ve been looking into people of interest (to me anyway), they are often called alternative thinkers/new agers (Michael Tsurian should ring some bells, Jordan Maxwell ( he promotes the planet X hoax, aka Nibiru, and LIES about religion) too…).
@I’m curious, who are people of interest to you? I’m hoping some people in the same group as mine, please show me insight or names/links I may have missed. Surely you have made note of these people. An email would be fine and may keep me busy.
I’m more up to speed than you may think, it’s hard to relay to people in one post where you are at.
As you know, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but some things are conspiracies…
I see a plague of pseudo internet memes… Confirmation biases, apophenia, all kinds of fallacies/frauds being floated as fact that hold no water. Biased websites make it hard to research if one doesn’t know how to sift. Too many with NO citations/credible sources/footnotes/references, mostly lots of speculation and belief…
Save me some time please? It’s for good causes, as always.
Thanks, no time to fix grammar or spelling, my son is up to something.
TTYL Mike.