This has been quite a while in coming, and I had to keep it under wraps. My employer, Faithlife (makers of Logos Bible Software) has a relatively new streaming TV channel called Faithlife TV. They’re about to launch a documentary (74 minutes) featuring some of my thoughts on an immensely popular fringe topic of UFOs and alleged alien contact. You can watch the trailer here.

As many readers till know, I’ve had a presence in the UFO community since the publication of my first novel, The Façade. (For why I bother with writing paranormal science fiction, blogging on UFO Religions, podcasting on paranormal topics, and participating in fringe communities like this, read this).

Those familiar with my involvement / ministry in know that I don’t think the question of an ET reality is a problem for Christian theology. I’ll be lecturing in Roswell, NM this summer during the festival for the 70th anniversary of the “Roswell event” on that and other topics. That said, what passes for contactee messaging  and alien abductions is, in my view, quite sinister, and demonization is one (strong) possibility in my mind for explaining those phenomena. The trailer page describes the documentary in part this way:

In a series of four provocative interviews Dr. Heiser draws together UFOs, Roswell, government conspiracies, alien abductions, ancient alien theories, and enigmatic biblical passages. The documented overlaps between alien abductions, occult rituals, and ancient texts . . .

Faithlife TV is hoping to launch a subscription model to the channel via Aliens and Demons. I hope many of you will subscribe to watch the entire documentary. It’s inexpensive ($4.99 a month). For those wondering, none of that goes in my pocket. The Roswell conference this summer is the ONLY place, so far as I know, that this documentary will be available in DVD. So if you want it in that form, come to Roswell!  Otherwise, it will be exclusively Faithlife TV streaming content.

The subscription gives you access to a lot more content than the documentary. The channel is in its beginning stages, but there’s actually a lot on it already. As the site notes, the channel aims to be “the premier video library for students, scholars, and self-proclaimed Bible geeks. Faithlife TV has more than 1,000 Bible documentaries, dramas, biographies, kids videos, and more.”

Check it out!