The launch of my book, The Unseen Realm, has been a great success. The good news is that, earlier in the day, the Kindle edition hit #1 on Amazon’s “Hot New Releases” for Theology. It now stands (as of this post) at #2
The “bad” news is that we’ve learned that the first print run also sold out on the first day. That’s why you’ll see “out of stock” if you go to online to Amazon (or Barnes & Noble) tonight for the book. Not to worry. You can order the book at will. Another printing has already been ordered. It’ll just take longer than a couple days to get it at this point.
Let’s hope the first day is just the start of sustained interest in the book and, more importantly, its content. Lord knows it’s needed, so tell a friend to get a copy!
Thanks for writing it. I have the Kindle version – bought it just after Midnight Sept 1 CDT. But it dodn’t download for ~45 minutes prob due to the servers being in a different time zone.
What impresses me, again, is how confident & comfortable or assured the Trinity seems to be with significant error and deficiency in the Church. This is just one more example, a big one.
Certainly a fascinating Creator we love and serve. Also, I can’t refrain from thinking that we are all just participants in a big cosmic SIM with real life and death consequences, but a SIM citizen nonetheless. To paraphrase Peter, where else can we go? We can just choose which side to be on.
It’s pretty clear where the idea comes from (OT material). It’s also clear (Sommer’s work, Bodies of God) that the idea is quite consistent with monotheism AND that a godhead idea isn’t unique to Israel/Christianity (though NT articulation of godhead relations would be self-styled).
Woo-hoo! Way to go Mike! and all your colleagues at Logos who have worked so hard on this.
so true; thanks!
Got it on Kindle yesterday. I’m on chapter 17 in my 1st read through. Outstandingly good! I’m going to use it to do my young adult Sunday school. We’ve been watching your You-tube conference videos all summer waiting for Unseen Realm to come out. Last year I was called a heretic by one former member of our Church for suggesting Genesis 6:1 is referring to divine beings rather than human beings.
awesome; thanks! Join the club!
Congrats dude.
My mother bought a copy!
My mom is reading it too, which amazes me. I don’t know that she’s ever read an academic book (she’s into biographies, fiction, and fluffy Christian stuff). Sure, it’s mine, so she’s reading it, but the determination impresses me.
Go Mom!!!
She’s gonna need a magnet ’bout the size of
a small anvil to stick that puppy to the
She’ll probably read every word.
You’re a lucky man.
Congratulations Dr. Heiser!
I have been reading both books for a month now. Your focus on “why it matters” in SUPERNATURAL and the wealth of foootnotes in THE UNSEEN REALM pair together like the New and Old Testaments.
Dr. Heiser, thank you for all your hard work. This may sound like an overstatement, but I pray that your work will be like what Martin Luther did for the Gospel.
That’s an interesting note about the two books; glad to hear it. On Luther, wait until you see the primer (Q & A format like a catechism). Guess how many questions there are? 🙂
…told ya.
Happy for you/yours’/them/y’all.
Handle it well, you should.
love the Yoda-speak!
Thanks. …wasn’t sure…
“Is Yoda Hungarian?”
“The story goes that George Lucas was looking for some unusual speech pattern for Yoda and had a Hungarian technician translate his English lines into Hungarian and back again, and this resulted in the particular Hungarian grammatical order. In Hungarian, this is subject-object-verb, whereas English is subject-verb-object (isn’t linguistics fascinating?).”
Come to think of it, yes. Linguistics are fascinating. Perhaps Yoda was an Ugarite.
That’s great news about the launch success. I was one of the fortunate that received the book about a month ago and have since read it cover to cover. It has made a great impact on my view and study of scripture. Having been a Christian and reader/student of the Bible for over forty years I must say that I wish this had been published long ago, but better later than never.
Keep up the awesome work, it is so appreciated and needed within the Body of Christ.
Thanks – and you’re right. Better late than never. (Pretty much sums up my life).
uhhmm…this got long…
Regardless of how you read Genesis.
Our universe is remarkably linear.
The gorilla in that ointment would be that it is constantly expanding. “Into” “what” you might well ask. (long discussion ensues–*yawn*–)
In effect.
The TIME is always NOW.
(Check your watch.)
The LOCATION is always HERE.
(Check your feet.)
At this point I cite Rom 8:28 and declare victory. I would but v1-27 and v29-39 seem to be in my way of something derivative and simplistic. 28 is a point on Paul’s beautiful, beautiful arc. He lands it with 38/39. I’ll go with that.
v38 has relevance to the larger discussion. The much-maligned NEB (1970) contains “…,in the realm of spirits or superhuman powers,”.
“Better late than never.”
Tsk, tsk…
Better now. It’s always better now.
Always. Every second of cosmic, created time leads us to now. It’s one of God’s greatest gifts.
Suck you up some now bro, suck you up some now.
Any chance of getting a companion study guide? I’m using the book in young adult SS, a study guide would be very helpful.
The primer/catechism I blogged about earlier is being edited right now. So is the leader’s guide to Supernatural. The plan it to release all of them with Supernatural (which may happen before Dec 1 – the Amazon date is arbitrary). That’s all I know, so stay tuned here.
I just bought it in my favorite format: Logos.
Thanks Mike! I’m already enjoying it.
Congratulations on the book! I can’t believe it sold out! I ordered Kindle and hardcopy, and was surprised I hadn’t gotten it! Who knew?
We need these books ASAP. I have been finding the Divine Council an amazingly good witnessing tool. I have been honing a presentation where, starting from the OT, Jewish Binatarianism grows into NT presentations of the Trinity, then loop back to pick up the Divine Council and end on Psalm 82 and Daniel in the Book of John. My message is that the Bible is actually remarkably coherent, much more so than even your typical Evangelical can defend. It seems like a cumbersome presentation, but I find that nonbelievers, or Mormons I see, actually appreciate the info, and are not at all biased against it. After my spiel, a couple of LDS people said that they would buy the book (Supernatural). I hope they stay interested! It will be interesting to me how they will filter this text through the lens of their theology. I have always felt positive presentations of truth are more effective than bashing. The group that seems more resistant IMHO is, sadly, the more typical evangelical.
So, more printing please! What a great problem to have!
no surprise on the opposition; thanks for sharing the content.