I’m guessing all PaleoBabble readers know about the Ancient Aliens series put out by the Fantasy Channel (still though of by many as the History Channel). I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be interviewed later this summer for the documentary film response, Ancient Aliens Debunked. If you visit the link you can sign up for email notification when the documentary is released. It will be FREE and viewable online. The trailer is below. The film is being produced by Chris White. Since the documentary will be free, all of the expense incurred by Chris is his own. This has been true of his online and YouTube ministry since its inception. Please visit his site to donate and help support this project!
Ancient Aliens Debunked: The Official Trailer

I did sign up to receieve a notice when the film comes out but you should have warned the reader at the beginning of your post that the creator of this film is an evangelical. Now I am afraid it’s going to be spam and tht the response wont be a response at all but fear mongering on the part of a bunch of hypocrits.
I doubt that anyone’s religious affiliation means spam.
Looking forward to this brother
It’ll be fun.
Hello Michael,
I am disappointed that you have become a member of the deniers and debunkers. Just because Sitchin was wrong in many ways, and van Daniken made errors, doesn’t mean that they didn’t have the right underlying idea. I think the Ancient Aliens program has been great — it’s about time the truth has been allowed out to a considerable fraction of TV viewers, even though the large corporations will see to it that ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS don’t air such programs for some years to come.
I know that you know something about the UFO phenomenon, but evidently you don’t know nearly enough! ‘Tis sad.
I live in real-ville, Jim. The “truth” you speak of has no correspondence to reality. And I’ve always been in real-ville.
What are you trying to debunk?
Cave men with Primitive tools Built the Pyramids?
I can see you haven’t read much of this blog’s content, or the scholarly articles linked in this blog regarding ancient construction. Oh well.
I learned about Chris’ project on his YT channel. Very interesting. Didn’t know you would be interviewed in it. I look forward to watching it. 🙂
Aye, those eeevul, spammy, hypocritical evangelicools. *rolls eyes* I’m familiar with Chris White’s work and correspond with him on occasion, and he’s NOT the “christian caricature” you’ve described here. If you are so concerned about non-existing spam, ask him to remove you from the list, he WILL do it (unlike many of the secular companies that keep spamming my inbox no matter how many times I’ve asked to be removed from their lists).
thanks for this; hear, as I just met Chris a month or so ago (online) via a mutual friend.
As your a theologian I understand why you wouldn’t find anyone’s religious affiliation a bother. But for those of us who don’t have your knowledge base to deal with people who seem extreme we need to be more cautious than you may when dealing with religious matters. Boundaries exist for a variety of reasons. My mothers family are evangelicals and my father used to be. Evangelical beliefs can be troublesome for those of us who don’t follow their party line.
I’m the equal opportunity offender here (!) – I have both friends and enemies ranging from fundamentalists to atheists. I just try to be text-driven and be honest with the material. That usually gets me in trouble with all sides at some point.
i sooo want in on this. having appeared in the original and season one, and having most of my debunking cut, i’d love to make my contribution to debunking this nonsense.
Boy, I know how you feel, given my experience with an even earlier Fantasy Channel special (I’ve described it on the web: http://www.michaelsheiser.com/historychannel.htm). ALL of my material got cut (mercifully). I will ask Chris if he is looking for any more help or interviews. It seems to be a real grass roots effort.
I’ve seen two seasons of this, but there are four up to date…
I’m very interested how will this debunk turn out at the end.
Good luck 🙂
thanks; should be fun.
This is so exciting! You must be stoked to have been a part of this interesting documentary. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of aliens, and I’m looking forward to seeing what all is covered in “Ancient Aliens Debunked”. Thank you for taking the time to share this preview with your readers!
you’re welcome; looking forward to it.
to m.h.
still waiting for starchild results.
does anyone know anymore?
I’ve not seen or heard Lloyd Pye issue an update (other than “I’m still out here hawking this thing”). Nor have I heard anything from my friend who has access to Pye and takes a serious interest in the skull. I will surely post something when I do, since I’ve already had a geneticist offer a written opinion (brief) to me on the DNA testing results. Just holding that in the can.
Wow, still parasitically feeding off the work of others, eh Heiser? Beats trying to build your own brand or you know, do your own work. You’re a cog for the EvangeliCIAl machine– an ahistorical canonization of American suburban consumer culture and military triumphalism and complete and total fork in the eye of historical Christianity– and you claim to live in “real-ville.” Amazing. Who exactly is going to buy this but the already-converted? Or is that the point- to keep the sheep in the pen?
Question answers itself, doesn’t it?
This is a great comment; one that will live forever on this blog. I love comments that show how feckless the ancient alien support is. More ad hominem – please! More verbal idiocy!
In case it hasn’t registered, the burden of proof for the ancient alien view is on YOU and those like you. So let’s start with the obvious – proof of alien life. Where’s the science … or is it a religion for you?
ok.i am glad you are still interested in this strange thing.
all i know is they are trying to raise $7 million to fund further
ps….have you made any lectures debunking titheing,sabbath keeping,gods holy days for christians?….have you debated these subjects with the fundamentalist?.
nope; I have posted some material on tithing on the Naked Bible, but beyond that you’d have to be more specific in your question.
I love Ancient Aliens. I watch it religiously. Not because I am an ancient aliens theorist but because I love learning about ancients. I take much of the show with a grain of salt. I also enjoy the Georges (Nori and Tsoukalis) and I particularly enjoy Tsoukalis’s hair…lol. The show literally, in a round about way, lead me to you, who I have grown to appreciate. I have read some of your work and I am fascinated by your paper on Deuteronomy 32:8.
I’m a lifelong Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod member and I consider Jesus to be one of my best friends.
Thanks for your work and I am very much looking forward to the debunking, although I will still watch Ancient Aliens, lol.
you’re welcome – enjoyed this comment!
And are you seriously complaining about ad hominem attacks, Heiser? That’s what you built your little side career on. I’ll leave aside the sickening irony of an EvangeliCIAl asking for “proof” of anything at all.
another comment of substance; these are wonderful. Just as much data here as there are in Ancient Aliens.
is sabbath keeping a command for christians.
are the holy days still in effect for christians.
is titheing ect ect…
you are very edjucated and we are pleased you dont pull the wool over the eyes of those who are not.
so, is it in your interest to lecture on these subjects for new christians to learn (especially the younger of us).
Looking forward to this, I enjoy both Chris’s and your work.
what exactly is the issue you have in mind? This is too broad as worded.
I’m curious if you are familiar with Dr. Baugh’s work and if so, what are your thoughts?
I am familiar with it/him, as I’ve posted some things that touch on him. I don’t think much of his research, and from what I can tell he has no real graduate degrees in science, and all his higher degrees are from non-accredited degree mills. Thousands of Christians have real degrees in the hard sciences, so it’s particularly cartoonish for him to pretend he knows science and didn’t have what it takes to get real credentials. It just doesn’t speak well, regardless of good intentions.
send me the scientific report on the gene disk and then I’ll spend time on it — or a link to something succinctly written on the web. I’m thinking the latter may be out there; the former won’t be, as this is more crack-pottery (but that’s what I like). I just don’t spend any time on YouTube (and if you’re doing science research with YouTube, that says something in and of itself). Why not do surgery with a spork?
Spell-check: It’s “constellation.”