I blogged this over at PaleoBabble a few minutes ago. Hat tip to Jason Colavito for this link to a Salon.com piece on Ridley Scott’s new movie. When you click through, take note of the titling of the URL itself: “dazzling dumb-ass theology.” What a perfect, poetic description of the film and the ideas it conveys. Can’t wait to see it!
Ancient Astronaut Theology

My husband and I saw Prometheus yesterday. We paid the higher price for the IMAX 3D. I don’t know if it is because my husband and I are too old to understand or what, but, we thought this movie was terrible. It was the same old type of gore scenes that we have seen time and time again in older movies. There were questions in the movie that we never got answers to. Such as the beginning scene where it shows an alien’s DNA changing and ripping apart. We never saw an explanation as to why that happened. In our opinion it was a total waste of $27.
I am still sticking with Super 8 as the best alien movie I have seen in a very long time. The kids in the movie are what made it so great.
Love your stuff Mike!
Take care,
no, you and your husband have good sense; it was crappy.
And I liked Super 8, too.