This is embarrassing. It shames Christ and tarnishes all those who sincerely try to understand Scripture and get people interested in it. There’s just no other way to put it. Lord willing after nothing happens on Sept 23 David Meade will just quietly disappear. But I doubt it.
Here’s a quotation from Meade — it isn’t difficult to see how uninformed this man is:
Jesus lived for 33 years. The name Elohim, which is the name of God to the Jews, was mentioned 33 times [in the Bible],” Meade told The Washington Post. “It’s a very biblically significant, numerologically significant number. I’m talking astronomy. I’m talking the Bible … and merging the two.
Elohim mentioned 33 times? Has this guy ever heard of a concordance? (That’s a rhetorical question).
Elohim occurs thousands of times in the Hebrew Bible. Here’s a list (the file is 250 pp). Here’s a more narrow list — all the places where elohim occurs as the subject of a singular verb (denoting it refers to the lone God of Israel; only 71 pages).
So where does this put Mr. Meade? Our choices are that his comments are ineptitude (he’s really a terrible researcher) or that he’s counting on his followers to not question his teachings (he’s a false teacher and a manipulator). Nice choice.
Instead of ignoring folks like Mr. Meade, the serious Church should call him out. He’s an embarrassment to Bible study and Christian ethics. The same can be said for others who teach the same sort of nonsense that weren’t interviewed by the Huffington Post.
The only question now is, after nothing happens on Sept 23 will he apologize and repent or just lie about a contrived fulfillment?
I vote that he will lie about it like Harold Camping did with his followers, that way his followers will remain loyal to him. Meade will most likely become obscure to everyone who has just learned about him. After Camping’s last failed prophecy I didn’t hear about him again until he was on his death bed, but the people who were already Family Radio listeners probably remained “faithful” until the end.
yep; likely
One of the main reason (not the only one though) people do not take the Scriptures seriously anymore is because of this constant desire – even stupidity – of diverse persons to try fixing a date for the Messiah’s return, and going to such extend as to mix things up which have no biblical basis, no more than scientifidc. There are so many variables in prophecies, so many unknown willingly left unknown by our Creator.
The risk is to increase the number of people abandoning Faith…
i find this really sad.
It is somewhat telling that a bastion of the controlled, corporate media like the Washington [com]Post would come up with a prophecy “expert” like Meade, of whom I have never heard. It smacks a little of subversion, similar to how the whole flat earth movement has likely been spawned and propagated by controlling influences outside the church in order to marginalize and besmirch the true message of end-time prophecy.
Notwithstanding all of this, I am open to God using the heavens he created as signs, in any manner He sees fit, and if He chooses to effect a removal of certain of His people in the general time frame of this astronomic event on the 23rd, then – again – I am open to it and I want in on it. I’m not going to dogmatically say no to whatever God may want to do just because of the gaslighting of unbelievers, nor will I dogmatically affirm such an event will take place. I’m just open to God’s will.
You were very insightful in Silence of the Lambs.
Re: “Instead of ignoring folks like Mr. Meade, the serious Church should call him out.”
Given how common this sort of doomsaying and fearmongering are, one wonders why they haven’t. It happens often enough that someone ought to have figured out how to deal with it when it crops up, and tamp it down. But no. They don’t do anything except let cranks run around making false predictions in their religion’s name.
Re: “The only question now is, after nothing happens on Sept 23 will he apologize and repent or just lie about a contrived fulfillment?”
It’s rare for any of these fellows to apologize for their doomsaying and fearmongering. Most of them do the opposite; they insist they’d been correct, even though (obviously) they hadn’t been. This track record leads me to predict Meade won’t apologize. But even with that said, rare apologies have come from doomsayers, e.g. the late Harold Camping, who finally admitted error in the wake of his failed October 2011 apocalypse.
Of course, by that time he’d spent decades spinning his prior apocalyptic failures either as mere mathematical errors, or by insisting the apocalypse had begun, it was just “secret” or “hidden” or something. It was only after those rationales failed to impress anyone, that he finally faced reality and admitted being wrong.
Who is this David Meade guy? I have never heard of him till this month,
and now he is all over the internet. All of a sudden everything related
to 9/23 had his name attached to it. Even major news networks are using
his name and repeating the same media. It is very bizarre. He doesn’t
even have a foot print on the internet, no wiki page, Google barely even
identifies him outside of the sudden batch of news media, and a book he
published in 2016. I would love to know how he became a major media “sensation” (if you could call it that) over the course of a month.
Or change the date to later in October. -sigh-
Because some folks can’t tell the difference between taking personal responsibility and weakness.