I’m sure if you’re the kind of person that has a sustained interest in the sort of thing I cover on this blog you’ve heard about the “evidence” for “light bulbs” in ancient Egypt. Or perhaps you just watched the thousandth or so re-airing of Ancient Aliens on the Fantasy (er, History) Channel and you found me on the web in your erstwhile search to validate this amazing find. (If that describes you, you should hit the BACK button now).
Here’s a short treatment of the Egyptian light bulb nonsense. Comparing other depictions of (low and behold) other Egyptian materials shows they ain’t light bulbs.
Now that we’ve cleared that up, and knowing of its commitment to the truth, I expect the History Channel to contact me any time to appear in their next special.
Or maybe not.
I shan’t hold my breath on the call.
I read the ‘or maybe not’ link document, bravo Mr. Heiser!
Truth is hate to those who hate truth. eh?
Tomorrow at 10pm/9 central, the History Channel is going to delight us with the series premiere of the Ancient Aliens fraud again. A new series for an old myth. Well, the good part is, that it’s source material for this site. And also, Discovery Channel is also launching a new series called “Curiosity”. On August 6 their first show is titled “Did God created the universe”. I hope they don’t follow the same path History Channel took but I do not have my hopes up since in the promotional ads they show a flying saucer shooting laser…. Let’s see how it goes.
source material – I hear you!