Last week I hosted a blog contest where I asked you to guess the title of the sequel to The Facade. Since that had such a great response, I’ve decided to host a new giveaway every week for the month of November!

For this week, answer this question correctly in the comments and you’ll get a free copy of the special edition of The Façade before it’s released. This edition includes content you won’t see anywhere else:

Behind the Façade: The inspiration for The Façade and what motivated me to write it.
Resources for Further Study: At the beginning of the book I say that all of the government documents I refer to actually exist. In the special edition, I included an annotated bibliographic guide to the government documents, covert military programs, UFO controversies, and the religious ideas that are part of the makeup of The Façade.
The Portent: Read the first five chapters of the highly-anticipated sequel!

Here is this week’s question:

After Brian is kidnapped by the government officials, who is the first person Brian meets when he wakes up at the facility?

Good luck!

(Don’t forget—You can now preorder your copy of the special edition and get 25% off!)