In case some of you do not read my PaleoBabble blog (shame on you), I blogged about this discovery yesterday. It could be quite significant if it turns out to be genuine. I have since updated that post twice. I thought maybe a heads up over here was in order.
First Century Jewish-Christian Lead Tablets Discovered

How much time do you think will pas before anyone knows what exactly is this ?
no way to tell.
You say, “if it turns out to be genuine.” How long does that assessment take? And, assuming these are authenticated, how long before this info gets down to folks like us?
It sounds like there is a lot of politicing over this right now.
no way to tell — and politicking is the right word. The texts were found in Jordan, and so they are the rightful possessors, by law. Muddies the waters to say the least.
Yep saw it over PaleoBabble. We’ll see what it tells us.