Everyone knows that no portion of Esther and Nehemiah were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls . . . until now.
Fragments of the Book of Nehemiah Found in Qumran Cave 4 Material

Everyone knows that no portion of Esther and Nehemiah were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls . . . until now.
Ah, now that’s an interesting discovery.
Do you know which parts of Nehemiah the fragments feature? Do the fragments represent a significant part of the book, or are do they only contain enough words and phrases to tell that they come from Nehemiah?
Nope – don’t know yet.
Dear Sir/Madam
I have come across a certain scholar called Rachel Elior she thinks that the sons of Zadok banished by the Syrians overlords from the Temple of Jerusalem.
Can you please date the Book of Nehemiah and in comparison with Book of Esther.
Also can you date the sect of Essene to the end of Babylonian conquest.
The date for the Essene sect is described in Damascus Document is 390 years to 604 BC.
The Feast of the Purim also associated with Greek custom is it possible that Menelaus a furious anger towards Onias III the Teacher of Righteousness or stagger.
John Stuart
The first sentence is a fragment (incomplete thought), so I’m not sure what the point was. On the others, this information is widely available via either Google or Google Scholar. Elior is a good scholar, so she is no doubt conversant with the material and that’s where she comes down. Not all scholars would agree, though.
Dear MSH
Just to reply your answer. I wanted to make a another point to you
Was Jason the founder of Sadducees if so his brother Onias III has to be founder of Essenes.
Did the word Essene came from Hesed a hebrew name?
Many thanks
John Stuart
I don’t have any opinion on this (I don’t really care). I’m also not sure what it has to do with the post. I don’t see how “Essene” could come from hesed, though.
Dear MSH
Do you have any information on Simon III and Onias III?
Many thanks
John Stuart
not sitting around, but you’d find that sort of thing in dozens of reference works. I’d recommend Schurer’s set (it’s available in digital form in Logos – great for searching, but here is the Amazon hard copy link):
Here are some others:
Is it possible that Onias is the Master of the Essenes?
Is Onias III founder of Qumran community?
Was the Essene founded at 214 BCE at the time of Simon the Just father of Onias III?
Many thanks
John Stuart