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I know this is off topic, but, when are we gonna see more addition to your devine council work?
@Rebekah: do you mean: (1) the book draft? (I’ve gotten behind, but am still working to complete the “first” draft); (2) something on this blog (that won’t happen); (3) something on the Two Powers blog? (again, that won’t focus on council too much, except for the binitarianism.
The book draft at the original site. To tell the truth I’m in a quandary as to, since I’m a subscriber, and it is sorta a published work, even if it is a draft, is it OK to quote it when posting on other sites? as it is information to important to just let lie. I guess I’m hoping that book gets finished soon so I can quote it. It is a part of the basis of a lot of my thinking and study these days. I tell everyone to go to your site to read it but would like to quote it.
@Rebekah: I don’t mind if you quote it; just indicate it is an unpublished draft of a book in process.
Thanks Mchael. So when might we see more on the book? 🙂
@Rebekah: it’s inching along; my boss asked the same question yesterday. It’s good that God uses people from different directions to keep me on task.
OK, Thanks for the heads up. I feel with idiots like sitchen and lots of Christians getting exposed to all kinds of crap that the Book is really needed to be out there.