I got an email today from Oxford Univ Press that offers temporary free access to a new content site of theirs.  The email is below, with URL and password.  If you go to the site, the Genesis discussion mirrors one I’d like to have here — about the translation of Genesis 1:1. Anyway, here is the email and the information included:

Dear Michael,

I’m pleased to let you know that Oxford’s Biblical Studies Online launched – Oxford’s latest comprehensive online resource for the study of the Bible and biblical history. We have been following your blog here at Oxford, and thought it would be an interesting idea to ‘open up’ our new site and provide free access to your readership until the end of May.  While I realize that sales posts are not really appropriate, I wanted to explore a way with you to let your readers know that this is available for them. I’m quite confident that your community will be familiar with Oxford’s long traditional in biblical publishing and scholarship, and it is my hope that this free access offer will enrich their research further.

You can see more about the product here www.oxfordbiblicalstudies.com , especially detail on content, features and the scholarship in the new site.

Your readers can get access to a free trial to expire end of May 2009.  They simply need to go to www.oxfordbiblicalstudies.com and type in the following authentication:

User: presspass

Password: springtime

We often work with blogs to bring some of our finest authors to ‘guest blog’ about interesting topics and open up debate; further we also supply books regularly for review.  Please let me know if this would be of interest to you, and we can set something up.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


Take a look!