Enjoyed the interview last night on the Skywatchers podcast show. A fun time discussing Christianity and ET life, Majestic documents, and ancient astronaut mythology. This was my first time on this show.
Heiser Interview on SkyWatchers

Enjoyed the interview last night on the Skywatchers podcast show. A fun time discussing Christianity and ET life, Majestic documents, and ancient astronaut mythology. This was my first time on this show.
I would be very interested in seeing the linguistic forensics(?)on the MJ-12 documents continued and/or taken further.
Author(s) identification or simply indication could bring us one big step closer to revealing the full intent and by whom.
(tin foil hat? …. check)
Funny! I agree. Taking the project further (as was discussed in the Skywatchers interview I just had) will take some thought. It has to be coherently framed, and there have to be available data. For example, where can I get written material indisputably written by Moore or Doty? I’m sure that exists, but I need to try and assess what’s out there and how much. Now that this is on the radar, I’d like to think I can get a proposal together for Dr. Chaski by year’s end. But we’ll see. That’s just a guess.
Hi, I’m your caller. As to writings by Moore, Stan Friedman or Greg Bishop might have some from years ago. I believe Moore put out a publication for a short while. Moore’s famous revelations at the MUFON conference were read from a script. Let me know if you need more leads. — Lou
I’ll do that – please send me an email so I have your address in my email account.
The script reference is important, for example. If he wrote it (and that would seem reasonable), then that’s good fodder for authorship attribution. The fact that what was read was then transcribed would be workable. I just need to think about “known” sources more carefully as part of a proposal.
Just saw your e-mail. Sorry, it went to my ‘junk’ account. My e-mail is Lousheehan@mac.com . — Lou
I need a reminder as to what this is about.
Ahhhh. Old age, eh? Happens to all of us.Not so much we forget, but our brains start to max out! My contact relates to new rounds of testing vis-a-vis MJ -12, obtaining writing samples, etc.
just overload
Great listen. Thanks Mike.
Thanks! It was a fun show. Talked with the hosts for about a half hour afterward. Would love to be on again.