In light of the discussion on this blog some time ago about recent research in human genetics and the historical Adam, I thought readers might find two recent items on “genetic Adam and Eve” of interest.
“Genetic” Adam and Eve Could Have Been Contemporaries?
Nature Weighs in on Genetic Adam and Eve
As I noted in my own posts on this issue, the whole genetic discussion is far from resolved. It’s going to be a while before it is. The field of statistical genetics in particular is young. This discussion will go on for a long time.
After reading some of your input, John Walton’s and a couple of other authors, I think the parents they could be seeing might be Noah and his wife instead of Adam and Eve. I realize the scientists wouldn’t accept that idea either.
I guess as far as the science goes, it’s beyond me how one could take modern DNA samples and extrapolate back in time like this.
True, they would not accept that, but their findings could easily be cast against that backdrop.