There’s a new best answer to this:  the new Logos Bible Software product (“Learn to Do Word Studies“) created by myself and my colleague, Johnny Cisneros. It just went on pre-pub (a window of opportunity to buy it at a very steep discount).

You can read the description at the link, but briefly, “Learn to do Word Studies” is a product aimed at the lay-person, not the scholar. If you are currently using the stone-age method for word studies (paper books like Strong’s Concordance), this is for you.  If you’ve never gone beyond basic Bible reading (and reading is not study), this is for you — a good first step.  It’s an entry-level product using state-of-the-art software tools. Pastors could benefit from it as well, though they ought to be doing the sorts of things Johnny and I demonstrated in another product last year (“Learn to Use Greek and Hebrew” – no longer at pre-pub pricing).