Over on Uncommon Descent, there is a short news blurb about scientists who have suggested ETs could be responsible for life on earth. Yeah, it’s short, but still worth bookmarking.
Intelligent Panspermia News

Over on Uncommon Descent, there is a short news blurb about scientists who have suggested ETs could be responsible for life on earth. Yeah, it’s short, but still worth bookmarking.
Did you see the “worms from hell” report making headlines recently? There’s another Mars connection made by scientists in that story and perhaps an implied “life might have come Mars,” although none of the stories I read came right out and said that.
yes; no surprise since it follows the same trajectory as other recent astrobiology stories. But as usual, nothing that appears in the mainstream popular science media should be trusted. They habitually over-simplify (read: screw up and omit problems or gloss over contradictory evidence) “findings.” What they do is nice for manipulating public opinion. It does nothing to really help people separate sound conclusions from anything other.
It does indeed seem that we’re hearing more pamspermia and/or Mars stories of late. But I don’t know if that’s because there’s some sort of loosely concerted effort behind the scenes. Or because there are multi-media news outlets now and those kinds of opinions are just more easily put out there.
But whichever it is, you’re certainly right that the media oversimplifies or even deceives at times with their headlines. One recent headline ran something like, “Meteor Apocalypse?” In spite of the ominous sound of that, the article went on to say that the meteor in question posed absolutely no threat to earth, even if it came through our atmosphere.