This was my second time on Conspirinormal. This one spends a little time on items in The Unseen Realm, but actually jumps around on a lot of topics.
This was my second time on Conspirinormal. This one spends a little time on items in The Unseen Realm, but actually jumps around on a lot of topics.
Are you absolutely certain it was reeeealy George Noory? Mebbe Alien?*
*(sorry Dr. Mike, I possibly had too much caffeine/sugar…and I might be subconsciously trying out for the position of ‘Village Idiot’)
CHeck This
I believe the universe is eternal like Alan Guth. But I still think the above theory can accomodate an eternal universe.
So, Lawrence Krauss’ book, A Universe from Nothing. He says that like some particles exist before “nothing”, could that be the chaos material u mentioned before Dr Heiser?
I posted here coz i cant find ur old post abt “chaos material”.
Not what I’m referring to with respect to chaos, though Gen 1:1-3 has pre-existing matter (matter that would have been created by God — but for that you have to cite other verses, not Gen 1:1, since, due to Hebrew grammar and syntax, the first creative act in Gen 1 = 1:3.
So, here we hv a group of Christians who talk to atheists and stuff on youtube.
But they seem to be horribly misguided on theology
Man, would i PAAAYY LIKEE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to see u on their show. Try contacting them on their youtube channel or here
I’m currently trying to contact them, to tell them abt u. I would update u if you’d like.
PLS PLS Dr Heiser. PLS consider getting on their show. Some of the most prominent youtube atheists r there too. If u could correct those pesky atheists, who always misinterpret the Bible. Saying stuff like GOD COMMANDS THAT rape victims to be forced to marry their attackers. We could at least stop atheists from claiming those things all the time on youtube. At best, we could start a movement on youtube to reach the Millenials like me.
I don’t have a You Tube channel (I know one has my name, but the videos I make are for MEMRA and are private; whatever else is up there = a few events). I also don’t have a publicist. Typically I wind up getting invites from shows because people contact those shows and ask for that.
OH n I’ll be trying on my end too to get u on the show PEACE
Can you please elaborate on the issue of “myth.” What part in the OT is myth? Or, which part is real, in real-time and which is the myth as the response to those real events? Related, we typically call Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, Mayan Mythology, “myth” because it is our way of saying it isn’t real. How would Jewish “mythology” be different then?
“Myth” is a term (used by academics) that means “a story wherein divine beings are characters.” Myth attributes historical events to divine causation (X happens and the circumstances are credited to divine acts or divine planning / providence).
The thing to notice is that “myth” used in this sense is not antithetical to history. Myths are religious / theological explanations of history. Embracing any such interpretation depends on the presuppositions of the reader (e.g., is it logically coherent to believe there is a God who acts in human history?).
“Myth” is therefore not synonymous with “mythical” or even “mythology” depending on the context in which those terms are used.
But Dr, I remembered that you just “have faith”/ speculated/ believed that God created that pre existing matter as I recall. Wouldn’t it be better if the pre existing material was there, and God just molded that matter just like those pagan gods?
This “friction” of ex nihilo that most Christians believe could be solved by my theory.
Would be nice if u could link me that post of yours.
No – no need to speculate. In biblical theology, God is the creator of “all things visible an invisible” (Col. 1:16). In the OT, Isaiah also notes that there is no other god (chronologically) before the God of the Bible (Isa 43:10).
Hey again Mike.
I have a question or two.
Is there any scripture that implies God knows the choice of any human before they make that choice.
I have a theory that , an all knowing being can not know the unknowable. How could God know our choice before we make it? that would be an unknowable.
I believe God can know all choices or outcomes, but I find it hard to believe he can know what choice or outcome will be.
Any thoughts would be helpful.
God certainly knows things before human decisions are made (1 Samuel 23 is the textbook example – God foreknows two things that never actually happen, which indicates he knows the possible, not just the real). There are also passages that have God knowing thoughts (Psa 94:11; 139:2; 1 Cor 3:20; ). I don’t see any way to restrict that language to God knowing only thoughts that are acted upon. If God knows the thoughts of people, he obviously knows things before they happen, since people contemplate decisions before making them. Since the heart in biblical parlance refers to inner disposition / seat of intelligence and emotion, verses that describe God “seeing” or “looking upon” the heart also speak to this issue (e.g., 1 Sam 16:7; Jer 20:12).
Thanks Mike.
I do not want to restrict God in scripture, but was just wondering if there were any scriptures that imply God could have pre-knowledge of which decision a human will make before they make it. Free will implies choice, so if God knows what we will choose that means we can not choose differently? The idea of God seeing our contemplation is an interesting one, but a human can not contemplate before it is born therefore,,would you say God can not know the choice a human will make before they contemplate the choices?
I get that God can or does know every outcome that is possible, but struggle to understand how God can foreknow which choice a human will make before that human even contemplates the choices available.
I understand your question better, but it’s the same as asking how Jesus could foreknow that certain people would ask the disciples why they were taking a colt for him to ride on before those people had occasion to ask the question (they wouldn’t have been thinking about it; Mark 11:5). True foreknowledge foresees the circumstances and what led up to those circumstances.
Thanks again.
I need to contemplate this idea further and come back to you.
The trouble I have is , if God knows the exact outcome of the future, then what is the point in creating beings with free-will? Why not just create beings that will exact the inevitable foreknown outcome?
I think that’s a question to ask of free will deniers.
I think it actually comes down to the idea, we as humans can not fully comprehend God.
Humans can obviously still make choices, even though those choices are foreknown.
The questioning I have then is, if God foreknows the particular choice a free-will being will make, It comes across that God created beings that God fore-knew would rebel and sin.
The thoughts just make reading the scripture a whole lot more complex. I am not trying to judge or justify God , because that is not my right. More so I am trying to under-stand God, through scripture and context (historical and modern{ in regards to modern people understanding the original context).
2 peter 3:9 ,,,
Seems to imply some interesting implications in the whole free-will and foreknowledge ‘idea’.
I recommend you go to Google Books,search for Gregory Boyd’s Satan and the Problem of Evil, and read the Introduction.
Hope this helps.
I figure the scripture I linked, goes against the idea of a remnant.
If God is waiting for all to come to repentance then this implies there is no predestination for whether humans will repent.
Therefore does God know how many will repent? Maybe he does and the longer God waits the more will come to repentance?
It doesn’t go against the idea of a remnant; that idea is about God stepping in to make sure everything doesn’t go to hell in a handbasket, not a salvation count.
Sorry. I got that one wrong.
Do you get what I mean though?
That verse does imply some very interesting thoughts about freewill and predestination.
I don’t know, contact The New Covenant Group on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or something
Oh, and what do you think of using Mimetic theory with Christianity like on this video.
No need to watch ALL of it. Just the gist would do. If you ask me it sounds pretty sketchy but true.
No idea what that even is, but if MacLaren is involved, I’m suspicious of it already. He’s not a clear / precise thinker, and seems to have little time for things like exegesis.
I don’t know who Maclaren is, but Michael Hardin seems to know about exegesis.
He also seems to have a burning hatred for fundamentalists.
He has also appeared on The New Covenant Group shows. However, I don’t think he knows much about the groups’ messed up theology.
Please answer my questions Mike. I am really interested in your opinion on whether God can know which choice a human will make before it makes the choice.
got them just now; good timing!