I’m speaking here of the 3-volume Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash (3 vols.), by Hermann L. Strack and Paul Billerbeck. It is frequently referenced by scholarly New Testament commentaries (especially those on the four gospels). To this point, it has existed only in German, the language of its publication. My employer, Faithlife / Logos Bible Software (Lexham Press), has taken up the task of translating all three volumes into English. It’s a costly project, but worth it.
You can push the project over the edge to production by ordering it now at the pre-publication price. It’s $450 in print, but now you can get it in the Logos format for $149. That price will move up after the project is completed — presuming the project gets funding from such orders (that’s how pre-pub pricing works). So this is a steep discount. In the pre-pub system, no one is actually charged until the product is completed and “ships” — pre-pub orders tell us how many people want the product at the pre-pub price, which allows us to know if an item is achievable. This is a massive translation project.
Here is a paragraph from the pre-pub page:
Lexham Press is pleased to announce the first-ever English translation of Hermann Strack and Paul Billerbeck’s Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch. Using the Pre-Pub process for this project allows us to invest resources in translating Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch only if there is sufficient demand. These books, previously available only to specialists, will soon be accessible to everyone. As the scope of the project becomes clearer, the price might increase, such as when we announce the translator and begin the work of translation. That means users who pre-order the earliest—with the fewest details available—will get the best price.