I’m grateful to Frank Viola (the author, not the MLB pitcher!) for the time he invested into reading (studying, really) my book, The Unseen Realm. Frank is a best-selling author in the wider evangelical world, as well as a blogger and speaker. He gets the content of the book and is enthusiastic about it. He really understands what I’m trying to do, both in terms of what I write and the Naked Bible Podcast — exposing the non-specialist to biblical scholarship on the supernatural worldview of the Bible. From the post linked below:
I can’t say this about most authors today, but I owe a debt to Heiser for showing me aspects of the principalities and powers that I’ve never seen before nor read in any other scholar, theologian, or commentator.
So, for those of you who have friends who are afraid to give the content of The Unseen Realm a serious read because they need a mainstream voice to encourage them, this interview will be a good resource. Check it out!
I have read several of your books. My studies ha e been in the Watcher, or fallen Angles. Your book about the unseen is all I have learned. I find I love reading your books. I have read your Facade and on the second book. I am so thrilled to see all I have uncovered being put out to help warn the others, if only we can get the public to read. Thank you very much for helping me to under stand more of the Bible. God is using you in wonderful ways. I also know the fallen angles are coming in form of aliens to deceive our world. Our technology is dumbing down our people they can’t get off their iPods, etc.
All Christians, be they Protestants, Evangelicals, or Catholic or E.Orthodox, need to examine the sound biblical exegesis of your books and podcasts that deal with the issues of THE ETERNAL & UNSEEN REALM. Knowledge is wonderful, >>so long as it is soundly extrapolated<< from biblical texts and does not contradict the essential truths of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Keep up the good work, Michael. We must deepen both our love for Truth and the One WHO IS The Truth: Yeshuah Mah sI-Yah.