Jason Colavito recently produced a series of posts exposing the poor use of data (and perhaps deliberate deception in that regard) on the part of Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck in their book, Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times. PaleoBabble readers will find the series useful and interesting:
Jacques Vallee’s Deceptive Evidence for Ancient UFOs (Part 1)
Jacques Vallee’s Deceptive Evidence for Ancient UFOs (Part 2)
Jacques Vallee’s Deceptive Evidence for Ancient UFOs (Part 3)
Even More of Vallee’s Ancient UFO Deception
Back in 2011 on my UFO Religions blog I also wrote a lengthy review of this book, which Jason aptly calls Jacques Vallee’s version of an ancient astronaut book. I agree with Jason that much (all?) of the evidence drawing on ancient texts is the result of misinterpretation or wishful thinking. The criteria of the authors for weeding out certain accounts is poorly applied to material they elsewhere embrace.
Having listened to Jason Colavito’s interview with Chris White, I’m really glad you posted this up.