We’re all familiar with Jesus’ statement about faith and the mustard seed. Now there’s something else I’m not sure I have enough faith for: Larry Hurtado’s post that there’s something of a biblical-theological nature worth reading in TIME magazine (on heaven, no less). My doubt muscles are so exercised against the twaddle of popular journalism that even Hurtado’s encouragement may not be enough to read the article. But perhaps the flesh will overtake me in the grocery store at the impulse shelf.
Of Mustard Seeds and TIME Magazine

A few years ago Time published an interview with N. T. Wright on the subject of heaven, which I thought was unusally well done for Time. It was titled “Christians Wrong About Heaven, Says Bishop” and the link is http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1710844,00.html. Agree with him or not, I was surprised to see it in Time.
me, too. It’s far more common for journalists to just wing it.
Hmm…guess I missed the NT Wright article. I’d be curious to know how much value and worth is in Randy Alcorn’s “Heaven”…dunno if he deals with a lot of the extremely deep stuff, not as much original language and all, but he deals with the text, and is decent about shredding sacred cows.
I’ll look forward to an in-depth look at this piece, as well.
For whatever reason, NT Wright gets access like this more than most. I love the guy myself. Saw him speak in Nashville. What I think causes it is NT seems to be able to speak to the right and the left equally as a believer with some nice insights.
During the lunch break in Nashville, I sat between a hard tail conservative Presbyterian preacher and a leftist so far left it was funny( at least to me it was). Wright appealed to both as well as myself.
The only folks Wright turns off are the fundies.
this sounds like it would have been funny indeed.