You guys ask for reviews and ratings and such to help spread the word. Where would be the most helpful place for me to leave stars or reviews and such?
on May 14, 2015 at 3:47 pm
no idea – is there something on the site that let’s you do that? I can’t recall just now.
David Von Schmittou
on May 12, 2015 at 12:16 pm
The ghost angel info was interesting. However, in light of the resurrection and our Lords command to “test the spirits” in 1 John 4:1, and Yahweh’s advance warning concerning his own testing of our love for The WORD in the old testament, in Deuteronomy 13:1-3, as well as other ancient Jewish literature concerning aberrations, such as the First book of Adam and Eve: I think it prudent from the scriptures and my own experience with the unseen, dreams visions etc…, we should air on the side of caution when speaking positively of such events.
“The enemy disguises himself as an angel of light.” Many “believers” today have very little knowledge of the truth nor a hunger for Gods word. Rather, a hunger for the existential and sensational.
Yet ironically, the true disciples experience albeit boring to the world, is just that. Walking daily in the realm of the unseen, listening and discerning his good and perfect will by the Word faith and prayer. We are like angels that bleed.
Perhaps the comfort your parents felt from the radio incident was an atempt by the enemy to encourage the promises associated with the broad road theology that is so prevalent today in the USA.
That said, as warriors of faith I think it best we know the Word;well. And to quote the Chinese general Sun Tzu from the book “Art of War”, “know thy enemy.”
Love the Podcast; will share creepy and cool stuff when I have more time.
on May 14, 2015 at 3:49 pm
Agreed. If I were to have some sort of encounter, I’d tell everyone I can’t trust it with certainty — because I could never know if I’m processing it correctly. God of course knows this about all of us, which is why I think that most of these sort of genuine events are very personal and not designed for us to “go tell it on the mountain.” We process it as best we can for our own spiritual benefit, not intending to make any such event binding revelation for anyone.
Another great episode. Thanks!
You guys ask for reviews and ratings and such to help spread the word. Where would be the most helpful place for me to leave stars or reviews and such?
no idea – is there something on the site that let’s you do that? I can’t recall just now.
The ghost angel info was interesting. However, in light of the resurrection and our Lords command to “test the spirits” in 1 John 4:1, and Yahweh’s advance warning concerning his own testing of our love for The WORD in the old testament, in Deuteronomy 13:1-3, as well as other ancient Jewish literature concerning aberrations, such as the First book of Adam and Eve: I think it prudent from the scriptures and my own experience with the unseen, dreams visions etc…, we should air on the side of caution when speaking positively of such events.
“The enemy disguises himself as an angel of light.” Many “believers” today have very little knowledge of the truth nor a hunger for Gods word. Rather, a hunger for the existential and sensational.
Yet ironically, the true disciples experience albeit boring to the world, is just that. Walking daily in the realm of the unseen, listening and discerning his good and perfect will by the Word faith and prayer. We are like angels that bleed.
Perhaps the comfort your parents felt from the radio incident was an atempt by the enemy to encourage the promises associated with the broad road theology that is so prevalent today in the USA.
That said, as warriors of faith I think it best we know the Word;well. And to quote the Chinese general Sun Tzu from the book “Art of War”, “know thy enemy.”
Love the Podcast; will share creepy and cool stuff when I have more time.
Agreed. If I were to have some sort of encounter, I’d tell everyone I can’t trust it with certainty — because I could never know if I’m processing it correctly. God of course knows this about all of us, which is why I think that most of these sort of genuine events are very personal and not designed for us to “go tell it on the mountain.” We process it as best we can for our own spiritual benefit, not intending to make any such event binding revelation for anyone.