Here’s a link to a pretty lengthy piece by a science writer for Discovery News (“Nibiru: Imaginary Planet Blamed for Earth’s Woes“). It’s well worth the read. The writer calls the Nibiru notion what it is: pseudo-science largely based on a chick channeling aliens. Got to love that! (I wish the article had linked to my own nibiru page, though).
Nibiru Nonsense Finally Gets Some Mainstream Attention

I was so excited when I found sitchin’s site… but then deductive reasoning came into play.
I dont know about ancient writing but I know that if this planet nibiru was in a eliptical orbit in our solar system it would be a GIANT ICE BALL there is NO way it could have any form of life…except MAYBE micro organisms if the plantet has some type of geothermal activity..So if the planet can not support life then it does NOT have annanaki. So the entire lie falls apart .
I would explain more on this but …Im to I shouldnt have to ….go to and see for youself..rebecca
Anunnaki… 3600 orbit, all desinformation. Sitchin was freemason and did desinformation.
Just like many other, they have an agenda to follow. David Icke (freemason) suddenly becomes an angel about the near future and tells about 2012. Jordan Maxwell spred fear and tells about reptoids and so one. Most whistleblowers are freemason.
Does aliens exist ? yes.
UFO exist ? Yes, but also humans on earth has made those crafts from crashed discs (from where ? )
Many stones that were used in construction are amazing. In OUR time we CAN NOT move such huge blocks, in OUR time we can not make special deep carvings or make them so polished huge stone so fitting that no raisorblade can go between. We CAN NOT do this today.
How did they do all that amazing stuff ? Why do the smithonian institute not want us to know about many artifacts ? WHat about those ancient scriptures like the Veda that talks about flying in the sky and using horrible weapons that discribes the effects of nuclear blast. And why do we find averywhere in the world proof of an warmth that made melt the stones like a nuclear blast would do ? And why… so many examples to give !
Hiding facts about our past is one thing, lying is another like the elite are doing and they successors have been doing in the past by destroying librairies.
It’s always good to tell another side to a story with proof and a good investigation.
But what about the artifacts on the pictures coming from Nasa and ESA for examples ? They’re showing artificial made stones/structures. So which culture were they ? Why do we find in the Veda about a war outside our beloved planet Earth, fought on the moon ?
So many facts, still never told on TV in the news WITHOUT making it rediculous. But then again, they are controlled too.
it’s amazing how many people (including some famous people that Sitchin supporters would know) really distrust his work in the same sort of way (i.e., that he was someone’s tool). No idea of that personally, but I’ve heard that many times.
What is this rubbish about modern humans not being capable of emulating the feats of the ancient builders? Of course we could! It’s a simple matter of not being ruled by all powerful despots driven by religious / cultural obsessions. There is no need for such constructions in modern life.
Our technology can hew and dress any stone blocks required and haul them wherever to raise structures of similar finesse to those of the Egyptians or the Maya or any other culture but it would be a waste of time and resources. If we were faced with such a challenge we’d probably use concrete anyway. It’s more cost effective and easier to build with.
Furthermore, I find it extraordinary that ancient texts can be construed as truthful accounts of real events. Any writer, ancient or modern, could write a fanciful story about war and conflict. In the ancient texts there are many supernatural events described but that does not mean they are more than fantasy. Plain wish fulfillment will serve as a reason to write about one’s gods “smiting” an enemy … ” Our gods are gonna blast you bad guys!” Just because all that righteous fire and brimstone was described in a loosely similar way to a nuclear blast is insignificant. Where are the remnant manufactured isotopes? Where are the remnant alloys of aluminium etc. necessary for such technological prowess? There would have to be more than enough scattered around the earth to prevent some cabal of “Illuminati” from finding and hiding it all! As Carl Sagan said: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” I have not seen any to date.
the earth has been predicted to get a go from nibiru now for i dont know how many years. It will not happen this year either. God owns the planet He does not want to destroy it completely.