I was interviewed this past week by Natalina for her Extraordinary Intelligence podcast. The interview was a good one. Talked about The Facade first just a bit, and then focused on the new sequel, The Portent. Just like my first interview a year or so ago, Natalina succeeded in getting information from me, some of it even personal!
The last two reviews on Amazon capture what to expect in The Portent pretty well. Here are a few lines:
[The Portent] takes everything the reader thought they knew (and were sure of) about the return of Jesus and turns it on its head! [It] challenges all popular end times belief scenarios with stunning precision and well documented, real-life supported claims. The divine council of The Portent will forever change your perspective regarding the return of Jesus, who may be fooled, and who won’t! This is a must read for anyone who believes in intelligent evil and an elegant shadow system that operates above the law, behind the scenes, and hidden in plain sight.
I’ve read The Facade. I listened to this interview. This may be a dumb question but there’s something I still don’t understand about the theological aspect of this fiction:
Is the theological premise within these fictional accounts the same theological premise that is developed in, say, the book, The Unseen Realm? Is this what you personally believe or is the fictional work just one possible “creative” hypothesis that comes from a mix of new age, conspiracy thoery, and bible stuff?
In the interview you mention christians who try to marry their perceptions of UFOs, conspiracys, world events, etc. to their biblical worldview and how that can be a problem. So is this fictional work simply your alternative view based on the same perceptions or is it based more on your biblical worldview, the same one that created The Unseen Realm?
Not sure if that makes sense? Bottom line is that I’m really just interested in the theology at this point, not the story.
The Facade was, years ago, the first thing I produced that introduced people to the divine council. It was what I had time for (and interest in) during the year I took off from my dissertation. Yes, I’m serious about the stuff in the Unseen Realm. The fiction simply draws elements from it since the divine council stuff (biblical theology) addresses (and is distorted by) lots of things in pop culture (including Christian stuff).
Just finsihed the Portent. Very good read.
Do you like films of Stanley Kubrick, Mike?
haven’t seen any (I think – I don’t usually remember films by directors).
And trying to get me into theosophy… fancying yourself as the prophet… You should be ashamed of yourself, sir.
quite an illustration of deliberately misunderstanding an interview. Theosophy is part of ancient astronaut lore. I don’t promote either. But knowing that explains its mythic claims. It’s called education, not promotion.
And I would never claim to be a prophet — and never have. Time to get informed and up to speed on who you’re criticizing.
What do you make of Barry Taff’s experiences and beliefs? (http://barrytaff.net)
You’ll have to be a lot more specific.
Heh, well, do you think he’s really a “Medical Intuitive” (read: is there really such a thing?); do you think UCLA actually did have a “parapsychology lab”; do you think his haunted-house experiences (Holly Mont) are real or is he just a story-teller (a clump of bananas suddenly plopping down at his feet, etc.); do you think he’s got a legitimate PhD in a legitimate discipline (he claims to have a PhD in “psychophysiology”)?
…Just wondering, no biggie. I just like to know what Christians who are real scholars with real open-minds think about such things (that’s why I’ve been reading all your blog articles)… When I find someone interesting, who seems to have bona fide credentials of some sort, I read what he or she writes until I begin to wonder if I’m just wasting my time; then I try to find out more about the person (after which I often stop reading what he writes, and wonder if I’ll ever learn the truth of any matter…).