I am offering three courses in the next module of my online institute. More will come later in 2011. Registration ends on December 27.
To register for the next module, go to the registration page. To see what other courses will be offered in subsequent modules, go to the calendar page.
Just a heads up to Naked Bible readers.
What happened to the OT Archaeology courses? I was looking forward to those? Will they be offered in the future?
probably in 2012 (if the earth is still here).
Bah hahahaha!
Well on your passing comment about 2012 (if the earth is still here)
It made me laugh to read that blop2008 laughed after Mike made a joke and then Mike typed “??” like he didn’t know what he was talking about. C’mon now Dr. Heiser, you’re the master of context! You’re supposed to catch little things like that. 🙂 <– see the smiley means I'm being light-hearted. hehe.
I just didn’t know which part!
If I missed out on BIBTH01 will I be completly in the dark if I sign up for BIBTH02 ?
nope – you’ll be fine