Robbie Graham, author of the intriguing book, Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood’s UFO Movies, has an excellent piece on the (continuing) saga of Tom DeLonge, rock musician turned UFO Disclosure advocate. Mr. DeLonge emailed yours truly months ago (“I need to speak to you about my ongoing private work with DOD/DIA and UFOs. May we speak ASAP”). No doubt others got the same email. I didn’t bite for a number of reasons. Robbie Graham’s post gets to the heart of one of them. Graham writes:
Over the past several months, the former Blink 182 frontman has received significant media attention for his claims of secret meetings with government insiders who have been briefing him on what some believe to be the most politically sensitive topic of our time—UFOs. Unlikely as this sounds, we know for a fact that DeLonge has met at least once this year with Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager and former White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta. This is interesting, but perhaps not surprising considering Podesta’s longstanding and very public interest in flying saucers. DeLonge is not the only UFO buff Podesta has given his time to over the years. More intriguing are recent WikiLeaks revelations apparently confirming a dialogue between DeLonge and Major General William McCasland. Commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, McCasland is responsible for managing the Air Force’s $2.2 billion science and technology program and is, one would assume, in a position of direct access to highly classified technologies.
Should we care about this? On one level, Graham (and myself) would say yes, but the reasons might not be apparent. Graham continues in another place in his post:
The spearhead of DeLonge’s UFO disclosure project is an epic ‘fact-disguised-as fiction’ book series. Book One, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows, co-authored with professor A.J. Hartley of the University of North Carolina, has sold well since its publication earlier this year and has received positive reviews from critics. At more than 700 pages, Sekret Machines is too long to fully unpack here right now, but its takeaway themes and messages, combined with those expressed by DeLonge in interviews for print, radio, and TV, are as follows:
- The UFO phenomenon is real.
- Exotic technologies are involved.
- While non-human intelligences play a part in the long history of UFOs, the modern phenomenon is more the result of top secret human research and development programs.
- These technologies have been concealed from the public for legitimate National Security reasons—multiple nations have long been engaged in a secret Cold War struggle for access to and control of UFO technologies. Naturally, this all has far-reaching implications for global security.
Readers who are aware of my own work on the Majestic Documents and my novel, The Facade, will find this bullet-point list interesting. Everything on it is in fact demonstrable — except for the existence of ET. I’ve long suggested that what passes as the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) for UFOs is in reality misdirection for quite human technology. This list reminds me of certain Majestic Documents, where descriptions of crashed UFOs include very normal technology that wouldn’t be at all space-capable mixed with unexpected chemical elements and compounds and claims of alien bodies and speculation about the wreckage being of non-human manufacture. But that’s precisely why these documents read like ETH propaganda deliberately created for popular consumption. Turns out the exotic materials in those documents align strikingly well with a photo-chemical process for producing nuclear power without a reactor — a process the Nazis were experimenting with at the end of the second world war. It doesn’t stretch the imagination too far to presume that these documents, rejected as a disinformation hoax by most ufologists, are designed to divert attention away from PAPERCLIP R & D (and its reprehensible ramifications) by creating a conspiracy about a crashed alien craft.
So where does this leave us with DeLonge? Graham does the math in this paragraph:
In my book, Silver Screen Saucers, I extensively detail the history of UFO disinformation efforts, establishing a clear pattern of deception, with officialdom using enthusiastic, unwitting, or just plain gullible UFO researchers and media personalities to perpetuate a self-serving national security narrative sown through the UFO subculture and projected through entertainment media. It’s a narrative that serves to justify and sanitise historical secrecy on the part of American government and military institutions, and to absolve those institutions of what may, in the future, be regarded as historical acts of criminality or wrongdoing. Everything DeLonge has said and done thus far on the UFO issue ties him in seamlessly with these historical efforts. DeLonge acknowledges a tradition of government deception on the UFO issue, but stresses, “when you find out why [they kept it secret] you’ll be glad they did everything they did.”
So, DeLonge’s story potentially serves to justify and absolve. But it is largely the by-product of a more obvious agenda: simply to monitor how belief can be seeded and manipulated within a close-knit and controllable New Age religion (UFOlogy). It’s an experiment that has deep psychological warfare potential, both domestically and abroad. It’s about monitoring the spread of ideas to see how belief can potentially be weaponized. The DeLonge DeLusion has all the hallmarks of a new phase of an ongoing strategic experiment.
In other words, Graham suspects that DeLonge is being manipulated to put forth material that does the same thing the Majestic Documents: explain away exotic human technology by means of aliens, which in turn become the (future) rationale for a national security state and the militarization of space. Graham summarizes that trajectory nicely:
It is notable that the dominant theme of DeLonge’s transmedia narrative thus far is the unsung heroism of the US National Security State. DeLonge repeatedly stresses in his book, and in interviews, that historical UFO secrecy has always been for the greater good. The ‘bad guys’ were the good guys all along, with our best interests at heart. The revolutionary technologies have been kept secret for our own protection. This is the story they’ve sold to DeLonge, and, like others before him, he’s bought it. . . . The nature and very existence of deep-black, unacknowledged special access programs operating without official oversight is generally considered a nefarious thing—a fundamentally undemocratic system that allows in theory for all manner of covert illegalities and morally dubious practices. The story Tom DeLonge is (literally) selling us, however, is designed to soften our attitudes to institutionalized secrecy and to burnish the image of the US military-intelligence community.
In simpler terms, think of the ETH for UFOs as the packaging or marketing for a breakaway military-industrial complex that ultimately could displace the democratic process. Would you trade “knowing” that ET is real and is on good terms with our military-industrial complex for a “soft” totalitarian technocracy? Maybe you wouldn’t, but it seems there are people in the shadows betting millions would. Perhaps it’s as simple as moving the herd through such a transition as efficiently as possible — you need a paradigm shift for that. A disclosure of an ET “reality” would certainly be that for the masses. There are those who don’t plan to let the longing for the transcendent go to waste. And if we’ve learned anything from this election cycle, it’s that 50% of the country doesn’t think the rule of law is very important.
Excellent article! I’ll add Graham’s book to my wishlist.
The Facade was a paradigm shift for me. I devoured UR and followed your site daily for six months and could not figure out why UFOs demanded so much of your time and interest. Hindsight being 20/20 the connection is obvious but before reading Facade my opinion was “This guy is brilliant why does he care if we are alone or not? How is that even relevant?” So finally over the summer I took a week long break from building UR power points after work and now I get it. After reading Facade I definitely read Matthew 24:24,38 and 2 Thessalonians 2 from a different perspective. Particularly verses like 2:11-12, “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (ESV). That makes panspermia extremely dangerous. If we don’t believe in YHWH but do believe in ET, but ET is actually a lower g god/demon masquerading as our creator god to a modern society… We are guilty of believing in demons to the exclusion of YHWH. The implications of that level of deception are mind boggling. Thank you for all your very important work in this area and for post like this that help get the word out!
I’m sure you saw the commercials for People of Earth on TBS back when Boston was still in the playoffs??? Creepy.
I did – agreed.
Hypothesis goes along with Delonges personality. Google “Tom Delonge Freemason” and you’ll see Tom with his masonic apron and friends. He also has the compass/square (as above so below) occult symbolism on his guitars. If he was gullible enough for the ego-feeding, selfish masonic ideology.. one may see why he suckered into the alien scam. His other band “Angels and Airwaves” has lot of new age, futuristic themes. Many youth/fans idolize Delonge.. no wonder a military-industrial complex would choose him as their alien agenda waterboy. Delonge said in a interview a couple years ago, “a guy named Jesus came and died on the cross for everybody’s sins. That’s not as big of a story as what types of intelligence’s are living across the universe”. Wish Tom would read the book.. Unseen Realm.. he’d understand that “guy Jesus” was the one that created the universe.. and becoming human to die for human sin was the plan from the start. Jesus (God) saved us from ourselves. Hope someone explains to Tom Delonge that IS the biggest story.