Just wanted to let you all know I’m still in FL. The Sarasota Unseen Realm event was fun. It’s always great to meet people interested in serious biblical content. After that event I drove to Fort Lauderdale to teach an inter-term course (“Biblical Theology of the Spiritual World”) that is essentially focused on the content of The Unseen Realm. It’s a nice small group with plenty of time for questions. Each day is the entire day, so I have not been able to really even look at blog comments or email. Tomorrow is the last day, so I’ll catch up with the blog and email this weekend.
Teaching Through Unseen Realm Content at Knox Seminary in Florida

The Flat Earth nut jobs are rearing their delusional heads again. I am surprised how convinced many of them are.
Yep; posted something on Facebook about them. Listen to episode 86 on the Naked Bible podcast. If they want to take Israelite cosmology as literal scientific fact, I wonder what they’ll do with the “science” in episode 86!
A scholar that cares for us is divine.
Well, i do care, but I wouldn’t speak of myself as divine (wait, let me ask my wife ….). 🙂
What an awful thing, having to teach in south Florida in February!!!
Just kidding! I’m just jealous. Love to be attending.
I did see the sun while I was there. Or maybe that was an approach of nibiru.
Congratulations on a successful trip.
Continued increase.
Travel safely.
Thanks; back now. Had fun but it’s always great to be home and back to the routine. I thrive on routine.
Thank you.
Was that class put on video?
I really enjoy your lectures that I’ve found on YouTube. I appreciated your debunking Sitchin and the videos explaining Gnosticism were so well done I’ve suggested them to others who want more than “Happy Bible Thoughts.”
I’m a regular listener to the podcasts and am currently working my way through the footnotes and added references of “Unseen Realm.” I also enjoyed the Facade books.
Glad you liked our beautiful state. We are blessed to live here on the Treasure Coast (just a but north of where you were).
Thank you again. Praying for you and your wife as you serve so faithfully.
Thanks for the note – it was fun. Knox Seminary recorded the class. You’d have to talk to them about the videos.
Thank you.
What a quick reply.
In reading both the Unseen Realm and Supernatural, I began to question from where the “ancient near easterners” (my term) would source the origins of their specific deities? What event do you suppose enabled the ancient Ugarits to identif El and Baal? What about the other deities that were worshipped and/or feared by the Akadians and Caananites? Not to mention the Amonnites, Amorites, and other ethnic/state groups of that period?
Do you suppose it is related to the Babel event in Genesis? Earlier? Later? I vaguely remember the Ugarits being “organized” chronologically prior to the formation of Israel (Abraham’s line, anyway). After all, Abram had to be “called” from somewhere!
I think Romans 1 would tell us they didn’t need “sources” — if Paul is to be believed, humans have an innate sense of something transcendent (that has to be beaten out of them — but, I would suggest, never quite goes away). Anyway, everyone in the ancient world believed in a spiritual world. Deities were thought of in terms of perceived/imagined attributes or geography — and were named and depicted accordingly. You don’t need written sources to have a conception of a sun deity, or a father-deity, or a mother goddess, etc.