UFO Mystic reports that, according to a former Air Force officer who’s pushing his new book, a massive UFO revelation will occur tomorrow over the world’s leading cities. The revelation must happen now, lest we run out of timing to save the planet from man-made global warming. I’ve put it on my Google Calendar so I don’t miss it.
Whence comes this important revelation? You may be surprised: the AF officer got from the aliens (called the “Transcenders” [or was it the Transformers?] mediated of course “through the services of a world renowned channeler.” To quote Howard Dean, yyyeeeaaaahhhhhh!!
But of course our officer and author drew upon “his military experience with the UFO phenomenon dating back to WW2, and later, with NORAD and his subsequent life-long association with a senior NORAD intelligence officer who provided him a wealth of historical data relating to NORADs experience with the UFO/alien reality which has never been revealed to the public.”
Could I just say something?
Please, all of you reading this, remember this post the next time some nutcase UFO researcher touts a witness or visionary who has Air Force credentials. Wearing the Air Force uniform does not insulate the wearer from being a witless crank. Most of you know I’m very pro-U.S. military, and this guy brings shame to the uniform. Channeled BS — AGAIN–coming from the UFO “research” community.And I guess his book was written before the exposure of global warming as pseudo-science. Maybe it was a rogue alien race, locked in a deadly struggle with the “Transcenders,” trying to make it only look like global warming stands on fabricated, skewered science. Hmmm.
Oh, and one other thing. Next time some UFO enthusiast promoting the idea that spiritual approaches to the UFO/alien question are hopelessly naive and not based on rational inquiry, send them this link.
> Ive put it on my Google Calendar so I dont miss it.
A couple years ago, Blossom Goodchild riled up the fringe of the web with a channeled prediction of mass spaceship sightings for October 14 2008. She at least had the good sense to be stunned and humbled when it didn’t happened. Very rare reaction!
are you trying to make me believe this won’t happen?
The news today says that Manhattan was buzzed by a UFO yesterday. I must say that I was disappointed with the UFO turn out on the whole. Why just Manhattan? I mean, I know New Yorkers think theyre at the center of everything, but do the freakin aliens have to think so too? As a Texan, I think Austin or Dallas deserved consideration. After all, we already have a lot of aliens in those places anyway!
turned out to be a balloon release.
there was a rather significant sighting over nyc, though.
this turned out to be a balloon release (reported the same and/or subsequent day).
I just don’t buy the balloon release “explanation.” They were behaving far too strangely for that, according to the witnesses.
Aeneas- I try to keep a keen eye on the Texas skies, but lately it’s just been a ridiculous number of helicopters. I think they scare me more!
I think we might have been a victim of marketing for “The Event”.
And my favorite witness testimony was: “Well I don’t know what it is, but it’s not a UFO.”
She might as well have said, “I can’t identify this flying object, but it’s not an unidentified flying object.”
Kind of off topic, but I think it just goes to show the lengths that we will dismiss data that doesn’t fit into our worldview.
To be paralleled only by “I don’t know what that is, so it must be from another planet.”
Thank you admin your best