I just posted another installment on eschatology (end times) over on my Naked Bible blog. Again, the goal in that series is to get people to understand that the typical “there’s going to be a Great Tribulation, a rapture, and a millennial kingdom in Israel” view of end times is *not* self evident in the Bible. But it is precisely that view that is presumed in the Christian “fundamentalist” community that seeks to parse UFOs and aliens as part of the end times. You need to understand (1) where that theology comes from / how it is argued, and (2) what its weaknesses are before you can understand my concerns with linking biblical eschatology to the UFO / ET issue.
Understanding the Christian Fundamentalist View of UFOs and Aliens, Part 7

I almost picked up a book on the theology of Karl Barth because of the Gulf Oil Spill and decided against it. I have been sitting on a copy of American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips for a few years and decided to write Barths name on the inside for future reference. The questions your many blogs raise are interesting and informative. I would like to speak more with you.
Barth and the oil spill – there’s an unexpected link!
Thanks for any interesting posting. I adore the funny remarks.