I mentioned a while back that I was reading a book called Building in Egypt. It’s about construction and masonry techniques in ancient Egypt. I’m still hitting it (among other books) a few pages here and there. But the thought struck me today that I could share some of it with you all via Google Books. For those unfamiliar with Google Books, you can see a lot of the content of books on the site — even those under copyright. You can navigate to specific chapters, so it’s better than Amazon’s viewing (even though you may not always get all the pages). Let me suggest that you peruse Building in Egypt. You can see specific examples of ancient texts and artifacts that enlighten us as to how Egyptians did what they did, without the aid of aliens! For example, if you go to chapter three the author discusses a mathematical text that deals with Egyptians moving large stones by water barges on the Nile. No UFO transport required for the long trip. There’s another such book that goes into these sorts of issues as well entitled Architecture and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt. Have a look!
Using Google Books to Combat PaleoBabble

Thank you for these good references
Thanks for the recommend, I need to track these down. Two more books I’ll have to sneak onto the shelf and hope the Better Half believes they were there all along. I hope she doesn’t read this…
And as for the blocks making the trip down the Nile without UFO assistance, that’s no surprise. Aliens hate water. As everybody in the know knows…
ET don’t surf.
But for the huge beams of granite above the King’s Chamber, I love the seasonal solution.. Bury the barges in trenches near the quarry at Aswan, with their decks level with the ground. Drag the beams onto the barges. Wait for the annual floods. Enjoy the ride down the Nile to Giza. Simple, elegant, and most of all, do-able.
funny – loved it. That’s Egyptian engineering, simple and elegant.
While I agree that “aliens” didn’t build the pyramids I still do not believe that this technology was exclusive to Egypt. If you look around the world and under the oceans there are tons of pyramid structures and some of which pre-dates egypt. For instance there’s a sunken city off the coast of Okinawa Japan that has been submerged for what is believed to be 8,000 years old. Is it really that old? Probably not, but is it man made? Sure it is. http://rabbithole2.com/presentation/ancient/ancient_underwater_cities_found.htm
I haven’t read all this site so I don’t know your thoughts on everything, but I do believe that this whole “alien” nonsense is being misinterpreted. I’m of the opinion that they’re demonic and just as satan these UFO’s have been around since the beginning.
Btw I like what I see of this site so far, but my wife is calling so I gotta run. I’ll check the rest out later.
I don’t think I’ve claimed the technology was exclusive to Egypt. When the posts are about Egypt, Egypt is the focus. We agree there. My point is that it’s very human.