There are a number of good critiques on the web showing the flaws in Sitchin’s discussion of astronomy from the Sumerian and Mesopotamian texts. Here are a few:
Chris Siren’s page
Ian Lawton’s analysis
Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy website deals with “Planet X”
My own contribution to this subject was previously blogged. But here are links to my short paper on Nibiru (it isn’t a 12th planet) and Cylinder Seal VA243 (which doesn’t show a 12th planet). These files are old (written before I finished my doctorate) but still useful.
Hi there~ so glad you’ve posted some Sitchin stuff, otherwise I might be throwing an incoming from far outfield. I’m in a muddle about the “stones of fire” mentioned in Ezekiel 28:14, 16. I suspect Sitchin has got something to say about them. I know that David Flynn has a lot to say about them. And Tom and Nita Horn certainly offer plenty in their upcoming book “Return to the Stones of Fire.” These folks define the stones as the planets (although I’m unsure how the Horn’s present them) within the system of Sol. I’ve noted other references to the stones as possibly being the insets of the OT High Priest breastplate. My thinking goes something like this: stones as powerful, solid created objects and the fire as in the appearance of “sheet” lightning. With all the ancient sociocultural phenomena as potentially applicable to Ezekiel’s context, attempting to fit my ideas (correct or not) into the lament…well, just feels complex and inappropriate. Since interest in these objects has intensified recently I think it reasonable (if not prudent) to know just what/who these “stones of fire” actually were/are…if it indeed is possible to know without a doubt.
@Debra: see my post on this; I get this question often enough I’ve posted on it.
This has been very informative, although I don’t understand why many other years are predicted of Nibiru’s approach? Isn’t Sitchin’s actual prediction of Nibiru’s approach supposedly in or around the year 2085?
@CH1: not sure, and since what he says has no basis in reality, it’s hard to see how it matters.
My own personal relationship with the Good entities. Angel, or whatever
you choose to call them has relayed info. that humans were created
perfect as the bible states. We were deceived and downgraded,stolen
away from our true potential by the Bad guys. IE, Satanic, evil,
rebellious angels that wanted to enslave and trick us away from our
Jesus like inheritance. Sitchins theory is what they(bad guys want us
to think.) That we were not created out of love. That we were created
to be slaves, that they are our Gods. If anything, the Sumarion text
may have some right info about the Bad Guys. There interference with
us. And they continue thier plot today.
The truth is, IT was not Gold they came here for. OUR Souls are their
energy! What is selling your soul to Satin? What happens to the soul
that gets sold to Satan use? What is a lost soul? Does the bible talk
about Jesus decending into hell to release souls? Sitchins theories
don’t add up to anyone who is willing to take the time to read Heisers
info.,bible and putting the puzzle together properly. I was given the
info that there was a creation mission for earth and part of the team
went against the orders. They rebelled against God. These are the
fallen angels. They caused evil to exist here so they can rule for a
short time. Just as bible states. They can not rule if we didn’t have
wars,confusion and sickness and viruses. Jesus was sent to create a
portal for those who won’t sell out to them. A way to get us back to
Heaven? or a state of being that was meant to be. Sitchins theory is
believed by people that are lacking a relationship with God, and the
entity he sent Jesus. I am sure there are many other Good ones sent
too, although Jesus is the highest to pierce the vale of Earth a create a
portal for out souls to leave! Because they(bad guys) are into
controlling and reincarnation souls to their energy power food. Watch
the old Sandra Dee movie made in the 60s or 70s? Can’t remember name
now. God bless, and please don’t let them trick you anymore! love and
you cant dispute the evidence and work sitchen put in his work. but your right, sitchen nor his followers speak or write from a spiritual standpoint. and obviously it is our key to a relationship with god. your relationship with god to me is your worth. if you do not have a relationship with god, you are worth nothing until you increase your faith. a man with salvation is worth every leaf on the tree. as is a chain only being as strong as its weakest link. how much would you pay for a weak link oppossed to a strong one? so to me your both right. put down the pistols and pull out the love that the bible so much tries to get you to see that its the universal language and the total and complete way to show god your faith. he dont want our dag on souls if all we do is waiste THEIR energy that is inside of us on arguing about whos right and whos wrong. your both right. so , thanks for including the spiritual side. i really hope sitchin himself reached it and found his place. as i do for all the generations of mankind. there is only one love. and its recognized everywhere and interpreted by the most simple of humans. math is not. so, where do i begin?
incoherence that took a lot of effort is still incoherence.
When you can produce the material from the Sumerian and Akkadian sources that has the Anunnaki on a planet called nibiru, then you can say I’m wrong and Sitchin is right.
what i meant to say is, there is a truth. there has to be. someone has to be right. just like revealations says ” there will come a day when man understands” what? i can tell you one thing. and thats the garbage we have been told is wrong. and if its so its wrong, then its not truth which means its the work of evil. admit that sitchins interpreted the truth but like the holy bible didnt include all of it. just what his heart and faith would let him. and i can say that because enoch was very favored by the lord that he translated him. and enoch left his teachings. but religion says its wrong to read other texts. and im sorry but if enoch was highly valued opposed to all other man by god then his teachings are good enough for me to read.maybe not stumble on and cherish, but if it helps me reach a higher understanding then its ok to read and understand.