Popular Science recently published an article of interest to fans of UFO inquiry (and of course, The Facade). Although it’s dated April 1, it’s an article about a real event and real project. Here’s the opening paragraph of the PopSci piece:

Last September, a few hundred scientists, engineers and space enthusiasts gathered at the Hyatt Hotel in downtown Houston for the second public meeting of 100 Year Starship. The group is run by former astronaut Mae Jemison and funded by DARPA. Its mission is to “make the capability of human travel beyond our solar system to another star a reality within the next 100 years.”

The article notes that the program goals follow in the footsteps of physicist Miguel Alcubierre, the scientist credited with developing a mathematical model for warp drive. Another paragraph notes:

Alcubierre envisioned a bubble in space. At the front of the bubble, space-time would contract, while behind the bubble, space-time would expand (somewhat like in the big bang). The deformations would push the craft along smoothly, as if it were surfing on a wave, despite the tumult around it. In principle, a warp bubble could move along arbitrarily quickly; the speed-of-light limitation of Einstein’s theory applies only within space-time, not to distortions of space-time itself. Within the bubble, Alcubierre predicted that space-time would not change, leaving space travelers unharmed.

Not surprisingly, there are problems to be overcome in the model. NASA engineer Harold “Sonny” White says he’s solved them (in theory). You can read the whole piece and find out how physicists and engineers are now using words like “plausible” for warp drive.