Here’s a link to an experimental talk show on Faithlife TV (my employer). It’s an intentionally provocative TV talk show that focuses on questions or topics that Christians think about but don’t bring up so as to avoid controversy. I’m the co-host with my friend Johnny Cisneros. We don’t worry about creating controversy. Someone has to generate a discussion. But listen carefully, our motivation is to be part of the solution, not the problem. But you first have to recognize that something isn’t quite right.
The show is called Questions Aloud. There are six episodes. I hope you’ll watch one or two!
I loved this. The focus of the conversation, specifically about how the Old Testament frames the New Testament, was spot-on. To interpret the New Testament accurately, it helps to try to understand the cultural, historical, religious and scriptural context of the first century church, which considered the canonized Old Testament to be their primary source of scripture. When Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “all scripture” is profitable for training in righteousness and for fully-equipping the man of God, from Paul’s perspective in time, almost all scriptures were Old Testament scriptures. For modern readers to glaze over the Old Testament or to relegate the O.T. to a non-authoritative status is to completely miss Paul’s point. No one is thoroughly equipped for every good work if they fixate on the New Testament and avoid the rest of the scriptures.
If someone lacks the training or insight to interpret the O.T., then the proper response is to have someone who possesses the training to explain it. The Ethiopian eunuch had the right mentality. Acts 8:31: “How can I [understand what I am reading], unless someone explains it to me?”
Scholars like Dr. Heiser are doing just that: they’re explaining the Old Testament in its proper context, and bringing the scriptures to life in the minds of worshippers who hunger and thirst for depth and substance.
Thanks — nice to know it didn’t turn everyone off!
Audio. Corny outro music drowning the close/summation is very, very bad. Did I mention bad. Naughty AV dude. No cookie. Save the corny 70’s sci-fi bumper for the actual 4 second outro. Don’t destroy the ending where the smart people are closing “in summation”.
I enjoyed the broadcast. It found the right “temperature”.
Thank you/Best
send them a note!
This is great content, and I really enjoy the discussion format. Will there be more episodes like these in the future?
I don’t know – ask them for more!
Those were pretty good! I enjoyed the laid back conversational vibe, and the topics were all very interesting. I’d honestly never heard of the missional movement before so I that was an intriguing discussion to listen in on. I hope you guys keep it up, would love to hear more questions asked.
send Faithlife TV a note — maybe they’ll do more.
I would say that Questions Aloud is a great thing. I really enjoyed all the episodes. It is great because I am able to watch your guests body language.
Let them know! Maybe they’ll want to do more.