Well, DUH.
This is what happens when you promote the work of a charlatan.
Cris Putnam has posted a list of the Top Ten Comments posted online about Steven Greer’s Sirius film. It’s worth a read, unless you’ve worshipped at Greer’s altar for his version of UFO Religion. You might have your faith damaged.
My favorite is actually #10, as it echoes what I’ve been posting here (and I’m no prophet – so how did I figure this out?):
10) Lee Speigel of The Huffington Post wrote, “In early publicity, filmmakers claimed the documentary would reveal that the DNA of the creature with an oversized alien-looking head couldn’t be medically classified. In fact, the film, which premiered Monday in Hollywood, features a scientist who concluded the little humanoid was human.”
Oh yeah.
So, what we have is lots of people paying to see something that claims to be proof of ET and they learn within the documentary that a scientist in the show says it’s human. Was there anything offered that overturned (which is different than disputed) that statement? Any real evidence of a non-human life form? No.
The fact that the DNA is human doesn´t necessarily mean that it does not come from other planet, does it?
if you know of humans on another planet, let’s hear about that. Until we know that, the answer would be that human DNA does rule out anything non-terrestrial,
I look forward to the film. Steven Greer came on Coast to Coast and said they do not know the origin of the 6 inch being. DNA testing is in process. Maybe there could be an ET connection but we do not know. The being, however, was just a small part of the film. That was emphasized on the radio show.
Even though the film may not revealed anything new to those who studied the UFO/ET field, it will be useful for newcomers and people who do not have this knowledge.
And with the recent Citizen Hearing, this is a great time to help open people’s mind to allow for the possibility of the UFO/ET presence. Why not?
As far as charging money for films, books, CDs and courses etc, this is perfectly acceptable in our capitalistic society. Let people make the choice to buy or not buy product from anyone. Certainly it is important to conduct your commercial business and nonprofits organization in an ethical manner and in compliance with laws and regulations.
Just like many firms and nonprofits, they can donate a certain amount of products and services, but these organizations must at least recover their cost and, if it is a for-profit organization in order to survive in the long-term, they must earn a profit. and we do have a sustainability move towards profit, planet and people, but it is only incrementally catching on. Profit stills dominates commercial enterprises.
I understand that some spiritual traditions do not charge such as Mother Teresa, but they also have acquired many donors and are classified as charity organizations. There is always an issue on how much money is used for operations vs charitable purposes. There is plenty of fraud and corruption in the commercial, government and nonprofit sectors. And there are degrees of ethical conduct and some point where people cross the line to illegal activities. But just conducting UFO research information service enterprise for profit is not unethical of illegal.
Many of these people in the UFO community, spiritual, new age and self help teachings and movements are providing products and services they believe are helpful. Many also have free web sites or may also sell products. This is a good common practice.
There are rules and reporting requirements for nonprofits and you can gain access to tax returns. As far as private corporations and employees working for organization, that is private information. I do not hear a big push for everyone for forcing everyone to disclose their personal information. Is there a push here for private UFO researchers and commercial enterprise to disclose their revenues sources and to be audited? Would that add more credibility? Who will pay for these services?
We should encourage more transparent disclosure for non profits. Public corporation have a requirement to disclose information and you can go to the SEC’s website and the investor relation section the these organizations website. But again, is there a need for to break privacy rules in this country and require financial and other disclosures for individuals and private organizations?
As far as ETs visiting this planet, that was discussed in the hearings. I understand that many people will not believe anything from those hearings unless they themselves have conducted the investigation and had encounters with UFOs and aliens. This is a very sensitive topic. So even though the evidence presented at the Citizen Hearings were very convincing, only a small portion of our world populations have watched the hearings and, given that most people will not watch the hearings, it seems that any push for disclosure will take a very long time; and there will be a continual resistance to this issues or many years to come. It is a sad case that the Ufology community and followers have never seem to get beyond speaking and arguing among themselves.
It has to be a challenge to be in this field. I will probably continue to watch from a distant as it matures. I applaud the many witnesses and researchers at the Citizen Hearings. I wish there could be more of these at the state and local levels and that it would truly be open to the public. I believe that the world mindset 10 years from now will be much different and more open.
It seems to easy to discounts the entire UFO/ET field when someone discovers false or questionable fact or something wrong about it. Even the Citizen Hearing pointed out the UFOs can be secret government crafts, ETs from this planet or another planet or inter-dimensional beings etc. There are a lot of possibilities but surely the entire field is more then weather balloons and swamp gas! I know that is hard for many people on this planet to fathom! But the truth embargo is real and it seems likely to continue for as long time. In the mean time, everyone is free to do their research, publish their web pages and sell the books, films and debate foe the the rest of their loves. And those who conduct their businesses and nonprofits in an ethical manner will gain trust and thrive. And, hopefully, lessons are learned and we allowed people to do their work and make contributions and learn and continue to evolve.
From an outsiders perspective, the entire field seems so fragmented, but these recent hearing type events may be helpful and move things forward. The next goal seems to have a UN hearing in a few years. This subject won’t go away but will be losing many of the researchers and witnesses as they retire and gracefully age and depart this world.
I am not a part of the UFO community but I was impressed with the Citizen Hearing. So you can say i have a bias. I certainly appreciate people who did watched the hearings and said they are not convinced, especially those who had no preconceive judgement before watching the hearings. Maybe if they read the documents and study further, it could have a major impact on their perception and opinion.
But as far as the UFO community, I do not understand why there seem to be so many divisions between them, and I believe there needs to be some common ground among the various researchers and groups and supporters. Even the hearings pretty much seems to say we do not have all the answers and they were not sure if anyone had all the answers. There are many answered questions.
You can certainly can fight among yourselves for another 60s years and the disclosure movement will not be anywhere closer to where you are now.
I am not sure UFO subject and Dr. Greer is a religion, but we could classify sports and much of what we have a passion for as a religion. So yes, then the UFO community is a religion. I understand many do not like the word religion, but if we just focus on spirituality and a way of being and living life, that may be more helpful.
Can you imagine the world a 100 years from now? Maybe by then much of the answered questions will be known. In the mean time, we get to devote our life to our passion and make contributions to create a better world and live our passion or religion.
I wish all the people who are UFO/ET believers, non believers and undecided or non interested the very best!
Did anyone claiming that “science says” this little guy is human really listen to the researcher? Yes, human DNA is part of the picture, but the machine that runs the DNA sets aside unrecognized fragments and does not classify them because it cannot do so. The device was built by us to decode our human DNA. The Stanford researcher is quite interested in the large amount of as yet unclassified DNA.
Please be aware that as fantastic as the Stanford lab is at DNA analysis, even they criticize the limitations of the equipment. Instead of knee-jerk nay saying, why not acknowledge that this is a very interesting specimen that needs lots of study.
you”ll need to catch up a bit on this discussion here; I have a friend whose PhD is in genetics and shared his thoughts – unidentified DNA happens all the time (wholly complete preserved genomes are not the norm in such tests); it doesn’t mean alien.
So I heard Greer’s team named the “alien” specimen “Ata” and thought it curious. Then I came across this article.
What a Marooooon!!
awesome link! I’ll have to blog that.
You are a total idiot if you believe anything that Greer says or sells.
May god have mercy on your silly, poor, ignorant soul.
I think all u cynical ass people are just jealous of him. The man is clearly just sharing his views and offers to who want to acceot them. He doesnt FORCE anyone too. His theories are sound. If he has alot of followers, good for him! I dont see any of you oeople accusing him of being fake or discrediting him , doing anything to contribute to society obtaining more knowledge! People like you just sit and watch everything and automatically assume its fake because you dont believe it or are jealous. What the hell are YOU doing about anything. NOTHING. So sit on your little high horse and keep trying to make everyone believe you are so much more intellectually superior cuz all it really does is make u look like dicks and aholes.:) Idiots.
You’re right. Greer didn’t force gullible people like yourself to follow him or give him financial support. You do that voluntarily. Congratulations.
I don’t think anyone reading this will be surprised at that given the nature of your comments here.
This website would have more credibility if you would be respectful to each other. Allow others to have their view but it is not necessary to attach people.
Some people do not like Dr. Greer and others because they support the UFO/ET disclosure movement. That is okay! But why attack the messenger?
There is a disagreement about this small unusual 6 inch being so present arguments for an against what it may be. Keep it at that level.
There are unanswered questions and I suppose the study will be ongoing.
I did finally see the film and enjoyed it very much. I am glad Dr. Greer has created a documentary to show some of his life work. I am sure he is leaving a legacy for future researchers to continue this work.
It is obvious that the UFO/ET topic is very sensitive and it can bring a lot of emotions up from either side.
The subject matter is of high importance because the implications of a UFO/ET cover-up are enormous.
There seems to be many theories and opinions about this subject matter, and I wonder if we are making progress on the truth or just dividing people?
It is amazing that there are so many people devoting so much of their lives from the different sides of the UFO/ET arguments. I applaud them all and hope there can be more rational and humane ways to allow people to dialogue rather than attacking from a complete emotional or mean spirited response.
Please stop the name calling and just support your positions. Don’t stoop down to a such low level.
I know you all can do better at this. Please try!
Again, this site will loses its credibility and gains a reputation for trash. Bring the trash talks elsewhere!
People bilking others for money via deception ought to be called out. It’s unethical. They don’t need coddling.
So we have a world renowned leader in genetic profiling in one corner and. …. your mate. …. in the other. Convincing! !
That renowned leader is a guy who didn’t say it was extraterrestrial. Try again.
Heisermeiser, you remind me of the American Pie character Steve Stifler, well a cross with him and dumb and dumber characters. Don’t both with a ”watch too much TV” high school jibe. Seriously, You have to be beyond stupid or working for either the rogue intelligence agency or The Rothschild Zionists. Newsflash. Steven Greer is not to only one awakening the world and the psychotic Rothschild Banking Cabal and their Masters have lost. All that remains is for enough of humanity to wake up to persuade those who will help us that we have evolved. You do your best to hold humanity back … but I will tell you now you will not succeed … and you will be accountable at the end of days or before. We will be there to meet you. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Jews+against+Zionist+images&rlz=1C1AOHY_enGB708GB708&oq=Jews+against+Zionist+images&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59l2j69i60.7518j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
So, I’m the one who made Greer’s contributors angry with him?
What compelling logic.
I just think that Greer is a real charlatan!!! He keeps going on with disinformation , seems a kind of new age/alien mix religion!!that Sirius was the worst “documentary” about this phenomena that I have ever seen, he collected pretty good cash from people to produce such a masterpiece,…lets be Seriously serious Mr. Greer and let us know what kind of scam are you perpetrating!!!
All you need to see if fraud is being perpetuated to listen closely and find just one thing which is not only unlikely but impossible. He stated that the pyramids were build by ET. The most ignorant will believe anything. The pyramids were built by people, just like you or me, who were willing to work for years with a common purpose. The construction methods are not beyond our capacity to understand or construct. Also this Greer character is right out of the movie “Rosemarie’s baby” he seems to know everyone and has been everywhere. He has been in space, hobnobbed with astronauts, presidents, and ETs. Is there anyone he has not been in contact with ?
Your comment is the best thing about this website richananda… I wonder if you’ve seen the new documentary…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjGrttQFza8
I believe it.
Greer is norhing more than a self-promoting, slimy and irascible fraud.