Well, I have a brief bit of news on the revision of my “Myth That is True” book draft. I’ll be able to say more in a little less than two weeks from now (see below), but I can provide some information now.

I finished the revision yesterday. Now the manuscript will go through a line editing and copy editing process. The present revision is close to 110,000 words. The original draft was ove3r 150,000 words, so the needed trimming went well. It’s actually readable now – much more coherent flow, lots of added documentation in footnotes, and new material.

I can tell you that the title has changed, but I’ll have to wait a bit to blog that and show you the cover and table of contents.

Some of you will recall that I have also been writing a “lite” version of the content. That will be done by July 4, perhaps even sooner. When I blog next about the revision, I’ll include details about the lite version, too.

The delay is related to where I’ll be next week. I will be traveling to Atlanta for the ICRS conference, which is an event focused very broadly on Christian retail (stuff that winds up in Christian book stores). My publisher (Lexham Press) and the editorial/marketing/PR firm that has been involved in the process will be attending as well. Since the books are not planned to appear until early 2015, the purpose of this trip is to start some buzz about the books. I’ll be doing some interviews and talking to other people toward that end. Once that event is over, I’ll be more free to let you all in on more details.