Larry Hurtado’s endorsement of the usefulness of Moulton and Milligan here is spot on. Wouldn’t it be cool to have that resource in digital form for searching? Uh … yeah, it is.
Larry Hurtado’s endorsement of the usefulness of Moulton and Milligan here is spot on. Wouldn’t it be cool to have that resource in digital form for searching? Uh … yeah, it is.
Moulton & Milligan is included for free in BibleWorks, and words are all linked between the lexicon and the Greek text. It also is searchable.
thanks – and saw your subsequent post come up in my reader! Didn’t know BW had it as well.
I am trying to find a resource that would help me study Greek word meanings outside of the Bible text to get some input as to how they were commonly used… is this the resource I need?… I have been doing a study on the words “submit”, “obey”, “subject”… and find that a bunch of different Greek words are used but the same English word (e.g. submit)… so I am going for nuisances here… are there other resources out there besides this one?
yes – Moulton and Milligan with its emphasis on the papyri, is a resource for “near contemporary” vocab and usage.