Well, I spent my blogging time tonight working on several themes that WordPress says are Internet Explorer 6 and 7 compatible. Turns out the new one you see now isn’t – only half of if shows up on IE.  My conclusion: THIS is why my friends in the Logos office directed me to FireFox a couple years ago — THANK YOU!  IE simply sucks.  Why does anyone use it?

At any rate, what do you all think?  Since I’m abandoning concerns over IE, I could go back to the old theme, but I kind of like the new look.

Hopefully tomorrow night I’ll post what I thought I was going to post tonight: a new go-round of the Bellingham Statement.  I’ll try and get that circulated among other biblio-bloggers while I do down a new road and a new topic after that.

Now, which inflammatory topic can I jump into next?