Well . . . half of that is right . . . the fetus part, anyway.
The picture below is often offered as part of the “aliens visited ancient Egypt” paleobabblefest on the internet.
The mummified corpse on the right is said to be alien (“just look at the head and eyes . . . must be alien”). Alien researchers also like to wonder aloud why the scientific community hides such information and doesn’t just admit it’s proof of aliens.
Is this an alien body? Nope. And it’s hardly a secret picture, either. The picture can be found in Nicholas Reeves’ book, The Complete Tutankhamen (1990, pp. 124-125), a widely-sold resource on King Tut.
So what is it? It’s one of two HUMAN CHILD fetuses found in Tut’s tomb. Here is the original in situ photo of the tomb tiny sarcophagi:
The scale of the two small fetuses is perhaps better noted from this (again, hardly secret) photo of Zahi Hawass unwrapping one of the fetuses:
Now here’s a closeup of the unwrapped fetus:
Gosh! That sure looks like an alien! Yeah; it looks like an alien all right — unless you’ve ever seen the skull and skeletal remains of a human fetus. Here are some examples at 21.5, 30, 31, and 34 weeks, respectively. They are all photos of human skeletal recreations created by the same medical supply company that I linked to a few posts ago about elongated skulls. (And there are more examples at the medical supply link). Everyone that goes through medical school sees skulls and skeletons like this. No news here; no aliens.
Lastly, here’s a set of human fetal skeletal remains with skull at 32 weeks. (And remember, humans aren’t aliens).
I am the person who wrote the original article about the Alien Fetus buried with King Tut. The picture shown above is NOT the correct one….the correct one can be found in my article posted to Rense.com in 1999, found archived here: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/alien_mummy.htm
David Innis
@David Innis: As I noted in my other reply on the other blog: So . . . no results = alien DNA? Huh?
And I’ll add something here: Have you *really* checked the scholarly journals for that? Can you tell me how, if so? Just curious.
I am the alien and those are my 2 brothers. They were twins. And they are twins 2day also.
this one certainly fits my wish for absurdity. Ooh, I hope you don’t send some of your alien powers my way.
I would like to see some crazy DNA results for me to become a believer
So is it an alien baby or not? This didn’t help….
where’s the evidence for an ET life form? (ANY ET life form ANYWHERE?)
I can’t believe anyone would actually believe these were aliens, it’s so stupid… By the way, there’s a TV series going on right now about King Tut which includes the stillborns. Quite interesting.
what network?
I read Mr. Innis’s story and this one, I want to believe in aliens and ghost, I really do. But until I have my own experience with either or hard evidence is ever uncovered. It’s just hard to believe, I think ancient text and pictorials shows alot of alien depictions, and a cloud that dropped bread on people for 40 years, the account of UFO’s over the capital building in the 50’s, all of that is great, but why haven’t other countries hostile or friend not revealed any of thier downed UFO’s or ancient alien artifacts? Too close to call, I’ll just wait for my experience.
The Bible doesn’t say a cloud dropped bread from heaven (as though it spilled from a circular object in the sky – i.e., a UFO). It simply says the Lord sent it from heaven. People like Barry Downing make people think the text says the former and then proceed to cast the episode as an alien visitation, but the salient part of the description for that “view” isn’t even in the text. Same thing for “alien pictorials”. For example, the “reptilian Anunnaki” figures from Mesoptomia. First, they are all *prehistoric* which means they are not accompanied by writing to tell us what they are. Second, we don’t actually know that the intent of the maker was to make a reptilian form. They could also quite easily represent Asian features (eye slits). Third, some of them were found in ancient trash dumps, hardly a place you’d deposit your deity. My point is that we don’t know what they were or what they mean to show. They could have ritual function and honor terrestrial animals (hundreds of cultures around the world still do that) as opposed to pointing to outer space aliens. Without texts to inform us, we have nothing but guesses (and some pretty bad ones are out there).
I, too, would love to believe that aliens helped mankind create their cultures, but there is another fact here…DNA tests proved these are the children of King Tut. They have yet to do DNA on the mother, but its assumed that Ankhsunamun (Tut’s sister) was their mother. And we also have to remember that they were born to a long line of close family relations.
On top of that, look at the cracks in the skulls of the example fetus’…those cracks are so that the skull can reshape itself to longer and skinnier as it goes through the birth canal (and thus not completely rip the mother apart). Over the next few days after birth, the shape returns to normal and the bones begin to knit together. They don’t need to have the familial birth defects (due to brother-sister/father-daughter marriage) to have an elongated skull at death.
Question for the unbelievers of the possibility that our history may have been reared by ETS?
How can believe a spiritual being in “OUR ANCIENT PAST”(notice quotes) dropped bread/fish/mana, turned water to wine/blood, caused plagues,etc… But “said” divine being has never done one such miracle again since over 2k years ago?
I mean there is more artifacts depicting ETs visiting ancient cultures and still during modern days then ever of any supreme being coming to earth to grant salvation.
The Bible is filled with GOD punishing man over and over again because man did not do what he wanted. Is this a just, merciful GOD? Don’t think so. He was having wars waged and genocide in his name often in “THOSE ANCIENT TIMES”.
Hmm, where is this “GOD” today? He was always around to help people in those days, but yet he left his CHOSEN ISREALITES burn in ovens to the Germans in WW2… Hmm he wasnt around for their salvation then or their salvation now?
And all you Christians, your beliefs are of a Jewish God’s Son, why aren’t you calling yourselves Jews?
Muslims? Hmm their guy Mohammed was tripping in a cave from starvation for days when he had his visions, no different then a Pink Floyd or Grateful Dead show IMHO.
Religion is a farce, it was put there by the Elites throughout history to make the poor remain decent and not stir their pot of gold too much, while they bilk you and me for our hard worked dollars.
please give me ONE verified ET artifact. Then you wouldn’t sound lame.
I want to know what makes zealots capitalize key words in paragraphs… I have seen this behavior before.
Although I believe that there must be alien races, and i will even concede that aliens may look like human fetuses, as a nurse- these mummified fetuses look human to me. It is very believable that the older fetus could be quarter the size of the younger one because of disease or nutrition.
You’re ONLY saying that because you have medical experience (that capitalization is just for you, too)!
Perhaps you should get a little more education before you make such ridiculous, simplistic statements.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ALIENS! If there are they are they would probably not look like a human fetus… like those HUMAN fetuses do. It’s amazing right. =O (sarcasm) Do you really think that aliens would have visited earth and been buried in king Tut’s tomb? I say theses are his own children, or some other Egyptian babies put there for some purpose.
Oh and to Anomynous’s comment about Christians and God… That is what free will is all about. God gave us free will. Otherwise there would be no choice and we would be empty. God gifted us with free will. Hitler chose to do that and God could not interfere. It is very complex but it happened for a reason beyond us all. Something good came out of that war we may not be able to see. And Christians call themselves Christians because we believe in Christ. We believe the chosen one has come. We believe in his teachings. We are separate from the Jews in many ways. However, we study the Old Testament (Torah) so as to learn of our people’s history. God is not the God of the Jews only. He is not a Jewish God he is everyone’s God. Whether we reject him or not as you have clearly done he loves us.
hard to follow – is Anonymous replying to Anonymous?
THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS ALIENS. At least thats what I believe. Why would the Egyptians bury an alien in their Pharaoh’s tomb? If you look at the pictures you will see that that is what a human fetus looks like. I personally believe that these are king Tut’s unborn sons who were buried with him to live with him in the afterlife. They were not aliens.
As for Anonymous’ comment about God… God gave us free will, this is why Hitler was able to do this do the Jews. However, God did not want this to happen. It would just be unfair to take away free will and then God would not be a just God. Something good came out of WW2 that we may not have been able to see. But something good comes out of everything.
And the above paragraph… That is in the OLD TESTAMENT! Sorry to any Jews (I’m a Christian) but do not believe everything in the Old Testament. Look for the meaning behind stories and do not take them literally. Look at the New Testament and you will see the just God you have heard about.
The sentence about Christians… God is not a Jewish God he is everyone’s God. Christians believe in Christ. We believe the messiah has come. Therefore we are separate from the Jews. As I said earlier God is everyone’s God whether you believe in Him or not He loves you and forgives you. I hope this has cleared up you confusion about God. =)
Just curious…while I am not a believer in the Alien theory, I did watch the “Ancient Aliens” series this year and the only thing that was interesting to me were the small jewelry items found in South America that were in the shape of air craft. What is your side of that story? Were the artifacts as old as they said, were they really found where and when they said they were, etc…
I blogged about some of these on this site a couple weeks ago. Scroll back through the posts and you’ll find it.
WOW you almost convinced yourselfs to the fact that there coldn,t be aliens . I wonder what is compeling peolpe to think so …. Imagine and think , we EXIST in our universe (which we know to be 15 bilion light years, and expanding) , and there are at least 500.000 of similar planets like EARTH in , JUST , our galaxy ,which is one of the milion galaxys out there . DO THE MATH , IF WE EXIST THEN THERE IS AT LEAST ANOTHER RACE LIKE OURS in our universe , its the UNIVERSAL LAW (actualy phisics).
It is just sad , to take a book like the bible for granted and come to belive in Christ just like that (and all that this book implies). You should realy start thinking with you own self-consciousness and spirit/brain . Things are simple the universe and above our perceived reality , but peolpe tend to complicate . Back to aliens on earth … delicate subject of course , if the small mumy is an ET then we have to consider our entire race a mere colony , most peolpe cannot cope with
such reality it implies complications … But if its not then what about the piramids on MARS ? and lots of other bizare arheological findings some of witch are as much as 50000 years old (Tiahuanaco) . OF course you should know that istorical findigs must be atested in order to be “real” search for WHO is in charge of our hitory . And please stop saing what GOD had in mind for us or whatever interpretations of GOD as a someone , if one must necessarily believe that GOD is “like us” then know that yourself IS GOD .
yeah, what about those pyramids? Where is the proof that they are pyramids (kind of like the face being nothing as well – but you probably have not kept up with the imaging there). Your pyramid comments also show me you haven’t done any reading on ancient engineering (I have posted several articles on this blog about that). I can’t repeat all that in a comment; it’s your responsibility to educate yourself, and that means reading things you don’t like and testing your ideas.
Ok sry I was the two anoynomous’ I thought my first comment didnt go through lol.
To Anonymous’ comment about there are aliens. Ok possibly, HOWEVER, they cannot think, talk, or live like us. They would be like animals. They have no “intelect” which is something God gifted us with. They would not have been smart enough to create a spaceship and come here.
The so called “Pyramids” on Mars are just land masses what’s the big deal. Oh and by the way…
God made us to be like Him. However, we sin and he doesn’t. He sent His ONLY and BELOVED son Jesus Christ to DIE for us. Jesus was much like us as He was human. However, He too had no sin. We are not God we are meger and no matter what u say He is looking down on you right now feeling a great love for u.
Reply to the statement regarding God not doing miracles for the last 2000 years.
First point is that the assertion is false. If you were to read the history of the Church you would find that miracles have never ceased to occur. They have been reported all down through the history of the Church. Further, they continue to happen today with miracles being reported all the time from around the world.
Now, the easy response, of course, is that the reports of miracles don’t prove anything. Yet, really, when you get down to it thats exactly what everyone is talking about here right? reports of this and that and how to properly interpet those reports. So why would you believe reports in an ancient text, so long as they are understood to be alien, but then disbelieve reports from the succeeding 2000 – 3000 years?
I submit that the reason you are willing to believe the ancient reports is because you can interpet them in the framework of Alien contact, which you want to believe. Similarly, you disbelieve miracle reports today, and from the history of the Church, because they do not fit with alien based interpetations, but rather require belief in the supernatural, which you don’t want to believe.
What you are doing is simply rejecting ideas you dislike and accepting ideas you like, then looking for ‘reasons’ to justify your preference.
For example, the statement “do the math, if we exist there is at least another race like ours in the universe…” is some of the worst logic I’ve ever seen. It is a completely non-sensical, non-sequiter argument.
What you are referring to is the idea of probability. Given the number of star systems, we can extrapolate a probably number of planets, then a number of planets that could sustain life, then a number of planets that actually do have life, then a number of those planets on which have sentient life etc.
It is a common argument that probability favors the existence of sentient extra terrestrial life. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the existence of mankind. There is no logical connection between our existence and the necessity of another form of life like us existing.
Its not a universal law, its not even a logical conclusion.
First, even the calculation of probability is questionable because we have virtually no way of knowing what percentage of existing planetary bodies are capable of ‘sustaining life’ its pure guess work, which could easily be off by orders of magnitude.
Further, our idea of what can sustain life is based entirely on what we know about life on earth. It is also possible that there could be entirely different forms of life, which require different circumstances. If that were the case it would make alien life more probable, but I offer it up simply to show how much of even what science thinks is really more assumption when it comes to topics like this.
This is, of course, all based on an evolutionary framework of explaining life. BUT, even given evolution, there is no guarentee that life on even an earth like planet would evolve anything like what is on earth. Even from the evolutionary view point there are myriads of factors involved in determining how things evolve. Most people make the mistake of assuming a progressive view of evolution. That evolution drives progressively towards a goal of intelligence and/or more complex beings. This is nonsense. Even in the evolutionary view the process of change is purely random based on the conditions at any given time and place.
Thus the chances that evolution would produce the same results or even similar results on two different planets are probably astronomically minute.
Further, even if another race like us, and intelligent, did evolve somewhere else in the galaxy, everything we currently know about physics tells us that it is impossible that they could actually travel here to contact us. Travel anywhere in the universe (realisticly speaking) requires faster than light travel. This, as far as we know, is completely impossible. When I say impossible, I don’t mean beyond our capabilities, I mean the laws of physics and reality as we know them forbid it.
Thus, if we are being visited by some non-earthly entities, it is actually far more scientificly feasible that they are from another dimension of some sort, rather than from another planet.
no idea to whom this is directed, but approved.
I made no comment on pyramids , but those on Mars look just like ours on Earth so …. natural causes made both ? What i mean by looking the same is the above seen topology is in exact simetry .
so … visual similarity = intelligent causation?
@Josh . “What you are referring to is the idea of probability” i din not make myself clear , its not probability but rather simply theoretical . The fact that the universe is infinite and , at this point , humans cant prove otherwise and nobody can actualy prove there are aliens but just as much we cant prove that there arent any , and that just leaves us with tons of left over evidence here on earth (or speculations, just the same). Take in cosideration that any piece of fiction man came up with , at some point in history it came to be reality . I like the fact you consider parallel universe more feaseble than space travel , but arent they the same ?
@MSH I belive so , yes , remeber that its not one piramid there is like 6 pieces of ruins 2 of witch are large pyramids . When there are 6 land marks visible on another planet , with an exact topology of more than one site on Earth i begin to wonder and question as to how this can be posible . The fact that NASA and CO are tring to deny this stuf, wich they showed to us in the first place, only raises suspicion .
I dont want to belive in any aliens or other/any powerful entity because its my personal belief that it is a wrong thing to do . I is also clear that a GOD exist , its something people sense . But not as the majority believes , the fanatical type of faith , with people praying for help and actualy thinking they are going to get helped , by what ? (by a miracle maybe)
Its my personal believe that “GOD” is the whole universe (or who/what started IT) and its rules . We are nothing more than matter , the most evolved kind of matter that cand exprex “GOD’s” will here on Earth and not just here . Scientists recreated a big bang and have the power to stop it , that exceeds our status , turns us into other gods . Every thing we cand observe in the universe its because of the light , or photons . So basicly we are light creatures , our atomical composition is based on photons , we cand se things there for they exist or viceversa .
I the universe it al comes down to light versus darkness , photons vs antiphotons , matter vs antimatter , good vs evil . One cannot be without the other , but as long as photons are abundant we cand exist . It is simply ignorance to believe we are alone , an continue to believ in our given stupid history and GOD . Afeter the middle age we continue to sustain the church and that is just as wrong as it can get .
The Pyramids on Mars are land masses. Our pyramids are man made. The atmosphere on Mars is different remember that.
not sure what I need to remember here; I’ve never thought the “structures” on Mars were artificial in nature – ?
getting back to the series ancient alians, what a lot of evidence that, at the least, is hard to explain,so many of you want to scoff and want concrete proof that you know cant be given and use that to fuel your argument, I’ve never seen the great pyramids in person so how do I REALLY know they exsist? can someone fund my trip tp show me?
Aliens are real!!!!!
“I’ve never seen the great pyramids in person so how do I REALLY know they exsist? can someone fund my trip tp show me?”
I can’t see air, yet it can be measured and weighed. Does oxygen not exist because you can’t see it with the human eye? Many people have seen the pyramids. There is physical evidence for their existence, unlike this god you guys keep carrying on about. I really didn’t want to go into that argument though because I can’t even stand reading your nonsensical rambling.
I tend to stick to Occam’s razor. You know, selecting the competing hypothesis that makes the fewest new assumptions. Like the assumption that aliens both exist (they could) and have visited our planet (eh, not so much). That a god does exist outside the realm of our measurement (nope, sorry) and that he watches over me (uh huh). This freewill crap and mysterious ways arguments are a joke. Any god that could create the entire universe as we know it, would treat us with no more regard as you would ants in an ant farm or microbes in a microscope.
Here’s a couple of reasonable hypothesis without assuming super natural or alien beings. Those are human fetuses. That was easy, I didn’t have to invent aliens that come to our planet. People invented gods to quell their fear of the unknown and explain things they do not understand. See what I did there? I didn’t have to add in a super natural being and explain all the bad stuff with “mysterious ways.”
There’s no hard evidence to prove ETs. Just as there is no hard evidence to prove anything. Read “A Beginners Guide to Reality” and none of this matters anymore… I promise. All you know is what you experience and who’s to say that a bat’s, or a dolphin’s view on the world isn’t the actual experience of life and everything. Little stuff builds up to make the big stuff right? Ants have whatever perception they must have and we have to assume ours must be slightly greater and above us there may or may not be a God or ETs or whatever you have to fill that ambiguous hole with. Prove me wrong. By the way, I think it’s arrogant and absurd to say God, or Aliens, or something to that effect simply just doesn’t exist. I know maybe Aliens are a little, “Far out maaannnn…” but if we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced. There’s some science fiction for ya.
I would suggest there is hard evidence to prove that people exist, but no hard evidence that aliens exist. My money is therefore on people. Same for UFOs – disk-shaped craft have been made by people since the 40s.
But those are NOT aliens in that photo… I forgot to mention that last time. I’ve seen compelling evidence first hand of a “craft”… it was a metallic sphere the size of a blimp, and it could have been a blimp. I was only 16 at the time so who knows… But I do know I have never seen anything with adult eyes that says UFO!!! But on the contrary, I have seen things that make me say FATE!!!! DEVINE PLAN!!!! But today, no video or photo will convince me of anything. And if I ever do see what lay in that ambiguous hole, I still can’t trust my eyes, can I? Electronic signals to the brain. They are interpreted to fit the hyper reality we have all made for ourselves. Or that our brains have made for us. If our brains even exist. But let us grab onto that invisible hat rack that we can’t even really hang our hat on and say, “this is real,” and lets hang our hats on it and say, “this is real,”….. All you can do, is live your life to suit you, to make it easier and happier and whatever you wish for it to be… Stop arguing about who’s perception of reality is correct and if you believe in God, keep your eyes to the sky for a sign and say your prayers, and do what you’re supposed to do. If you believe whatever endless facets of Alien studies, then…. well keep your eyes to the skies and look for the proof. Whatever the TRUTH is lay either far beyond our atmosphere, or it lay in whatever calculating and intrepting organ your senses or received to…. hmmmm… what do I believe…. well, I think the snow outside is melting and I’m going to take my dog for a walk!
please visit my UFO Religions blog. Seeing a disk-shaped craft is not evidence that the craft (assuming you are telling the truth) was extraterrestrial.
to MSH: i have a 180sx with a gt2871r.. would you know this off the top of your head? without internet or books would you be able to know what i am talking about? i couldn’t imagine you would. So if that’s the case why wouldn’t you believe me if i said i saw a UFO? because god said so?
you missed something. I could go look this up if I didn’t know what it meant; you can’t look up “God showed me a UFO.” Apples and oranges. But I wouldn’t care. LOTS of people see UFOs – flying objects that they can’t identify. But that doesn’t mean (a) someone else can’t or wouldn’t be able to identify it; or (b) that it’s extraterrestrial. Seeing something unfamiliar in the sky does not equate to evidence for ET life.
He doesn’t necessarily mean “alien” as a different race. The term Martian is more correct… meaning from MARS, the depleted land before earth, where humans could have very well inhabited, and yes, had elongated skulls.
so…where is the scientific evidence that Mars was inhabited — and that those inhabitants had elongated skulls? Like I said, what a scholar.
you need to moderate? sounds like your full of yourself
what a scholar
This is Picture 1 where is Picture 2?
There were two mummies in that chamber.
I used this one since this is the one that is used on ancient astronaut sites. it is the “best” one for their alien case.
There’s one factor apparently being missed in all this discussion. I’ll admit I skimmed the thread, so maybe I missed it, and apologize if I did. Even if I did, it’s probably worth repeating.
These fetuses are both human. But they’re not terribly normal.
The fact that both of them died in utero – it’s not definite, but it’s a pretty good bet they had enough wrong with them that they would not have been viable.
Why not? Well, the Thothmeside dynasty that ruled Egypt during the 18th Dynasty had been in power for 200-300 years by the time Tutankhamen came to power as its last Thothmeside ruler (after he died, there were two additional Pharoahs counted in that dynasty but neither one was bloodline-related to the Thothmesides).
As is usual with Ancient Egyptian royalty and quite common in European royal lines, there was a lot of inbreeding going on. This of course builds up over generations and eventually the normal-level genetic defects are reinforced and build up to the point that you get some oddly constructed – and sterile – but still human offspring. A modern example is Carlos II of Spain who died in 1700.
With Tutankhamen, it’s recently been discovered that his parents were full brother and sister. If I recall rightly, his father was the mystery mummy found in KV55 and now almost certainly identified as the heretic monotheist Pharoah Akhenaten; his mother is the unnamed Younger Lady. Thus after a dozen or so generations already folding one strain of DNA back onto itself pretty regularly, we have the best possible way to reinforce defects. Tutankhamen’s mummy was recently reexamined and it was found he probably had a slightly cleft palate and possibly a club foot or bum leg as well; speculation into his early death has switched from murder to general body/immune system collapse complicated by malaria.
The mother of the two fetus mummies was most likely Tut’s wife Ankhesenamen; her father is definitely known to be Akhenaten and it is strongly likely she was Tut’s half-brother. This sure didn’t help anything.
Conclusion: those two kids are human, but badly screwed up genetically and unable to make it to term. Any unusual appearance is vastly more likely to be from these factors than ET genetic contributions.
What would really help the ludicrous theory that the smaller fetus was a Grey would be any single inscription, anywhere in Egypt, unmistakably referring to Greys in either pictorial or heiroglyphic form. Egyptians were very verbose, even chatty in their writing. These people could paint pictures of half human/half jackal gods in great detail, and even the lion/hippo/crocodile thing that ate the hearts of the unworthy dead… but not a Grey? Or that they found a single Grey fetus somewhere, and mummified it and buried it in a royal tomb (no less), without a word of comment on its unusual appearance, or the circumstances of where it was found? Ridiculous on the face of it.
I suppose it’s time to dust off the ridiculous Abydos Helicopter pictures – clearly demonstrated as mixtures of two layers of standard heiroglyphs created when plaster fell off the ceiling – as ‘proof’ of this whole pile of pilpul.
Wow..really? Aliens? Come on people. They appear to be HUMAN (yes I said Human) children with birth defects.
Its so easy to believe in a ‘GOD’ … but harder to believe in ‘Aliens’? People must be too vain to think that we are the ONLY intelligent species in such a vast universe. That ‘God’ they worship could very well take the form of something of another species (alien), they both come from the sky not so?
Actually, an intelligent alien would not conform to any of the views of God of the theistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) in terms of attributes. It would only take a specific series of questions to elucidate that (I actually touched on this recently over at UFO Religions).
its nasty
Kemet, the appelation the original “Egyptians” (COME OUT OF THE WOODWORK SCHOLARS)
used to describe themselves,meaning the “Black Land,” and its’ persons’ of import, their achievements and lives, constitute the most complete historical record of the ancient world.
Curiously, even and especially those “in the field,” in spite of the grandeur of the Kemetic past, display a disdain, no – a hatred even – of their discipline. I’ve never read a scholar of Malta, Stonehenge or any other ancient civilation past refer to the respective history in a similiar fashion. Anti-Kemetism. Black Africa, Egypt.
uh, sorry. “Black land” referred to the black soil created by the annual inundation of the Nile. The Egyptians also called their land “Red Land” — the reddish soil that wasn’t covered by the alluvial silt (the desert land). I think you’re the one that needs to wake up.
When I posted this I didn’t have a second picture. See the subsequent posts on the Tut family DNA. Both children were included in the study and neither (and no one concerned) is an alien.
um well they comfirmed the bigger fetus was a girl and the DNA was pretty confident he was the father its not an alien and the david guy is a dumb ass i looked at his site and they didn’t look any different
Why can’t God and Aliens exist together? Why are humans so confident we are the ONLY life in the entire galaxy, not to mention entire UNIVERSE? Anyways, nobody really KNOWS anything without facts. God made the “Heavens” before he made the Earth. “Heavens” could mean “Everything other than Earth,” so tecnically, life out in the Heavens could exist before us, and be more advanced. Judging how much intelligent Americans spend on pets, it only makes sense that Intelligent life found us and taught us how to live/tricks. Perhaps God sent Aliens as Angels, and our primitive peoples back then regarded them as “Gods” because of their technology. Long story short, be open-minded when seeking the truth, and you’ll find the answers a lot quicker.
Why can’t you read my UFO Religions blog to find out I don’t think God and an ET reality are incompatible? But that is different than this sort of nonsense.
God does not exist.
Well THAT settles everything! Untold millions just needed your word to get that one answered.
great way to go about convincing people of your ideology on this topic, very little proof, no real argument and a major bad attitude, well i am convinced of one thing, however i will keep that to myself!
people have enough with governments enforcing beliefs onto them and warping information to their advantage. i was actually passed this site by a chap who is usually open minded (until it comes to ET visiting this planet, which is his right),
The odds are stacked against their not being another (or one) intelligent form of life out there… (as in there is life out there) however, i cannot say for the past as most people who are “historians” just seem to come up with fats that fit the findings and in my mind cannot prove one way or another that “this happened, this way”, how do they actually know where they there? no! it’s an “educated guess”.
I’m sure of one thing about intelligent life in the universe, the only conclusive proof is over the last 2000 years we have not been visited, is it’s intelligent enough not to have done just that!
With regards to the point you make about “humans being from this planet” there is no actual conclusive proof, – ref the “missing link”, yes we have a close resemblance in our makeup to the Monkey/Ape families, however there is no DIRECT evidence to confirm this.
(this is where you point out that an ape and a baby skull at 32 weeks is very similar… which as i said is an assumption and observation and not a direct scientific fact.)
as for the missing comparison photo, why not put it in? if you are that convinced there is no harm, otherwise you may just be seen as an argumentative insulting bloke with a website…
Questions to you:
whats your theory on the the “Aliens” within the hieroglyphics in Egypt,
whats your theory on the “Aliens” within the pottery
whats your theory on the pottery plains – which can only be seen from the air.
whats your theory on the “Aliens” within the cathedral in Spains stone masonry (built in 1107).
myself i am not closed minded or am i self gratifying enough to think that we are alone in this universe
Asking for actual evidence of alien life is not being close-minded. It’s reasonable. What else in life do you believe without building a case based on evidence?
It’s your burden to demonstrate how asking for data that exist is unreasonable. Good luck with that one. As to the questions, see the “Ancient Astronauts” archive on this blog, and my UFO Religions blog (www.uforeligions.com).
This reply actually proves my point on how useless “higher” education actually is in our society.
I am quite surprised as this site was given to me by someone who really should have known better…
sad to think you’ve spent all that money on your “education” and haven’t learned how to argue your case.
there are alot of wild claims on here by yourself with little or no proof of the waffle produced..
a sad world we live in..
Yeah; it’s much more educated to articulate a worldview without empirical data.
Well of course his children would be deformed, tut married his sister!
so you are saying.. that even if I don’t believe, god loves me and understands that and doesent hold it against me? so I don’t have to worry about anything.. and when I die he will take me as he takes you even tough I don’t believe? is that right?
I really don’t know what this has to do with the DNA of Tut’s tomb – ?
To those who say they do not BELIEVE in aliens- I think you are all crazy. But all people are endowed for their own opinion.
No assumptions can be made from these pictures of this fetus whether it is alien or not without DNA or cold hard evidence. I am neither for nor against the fact that this MIGHT be an alien fetus.
The fact is that aliens exists. The cosmos is infinite and whether or not there are aliens within out our galaxy, planet, country or town the facts are that statistically aliens do exist.
That brings in light the point that while each person has their right to have their beliefs and freedom to write and discuss anything. I have have read the comments and all I see is argument, sarcastic questions and negativity towards one side. Why can’t we see both sides? Without imperial proof you nor I can sit down and tell people aliens created man kind nor can they make us believe. Belief is your own feelings and thoughts on one subject so it is your choice in what to believe in and I cannot take that away but I, and so do many, believe in physical evidence and proof. The negativity and hatred created by these types of debates are outrageous when none of us can truly prove anything 100%.
Do not misinterpret me.
I mean to say this:
Believe evidence and proof.
Stop the negativity and hatred for another side holding their beliefs even when they are different than yours.
Continue to look for the truth.
Where is the evidence for aliens? What has the world missed in that regard?
Absolutely aliens exist. I think that they must, solely based on the vast size of space.
The mummy does look alien. But we have to ask why. The best answer is that it is indeed alien. Alien to our understanding. After all, how many of us have seen mummified human foetuses? I sure havent seen many at all. At least not enough to be able to tell what race it was etc.
However, just because it is alien to me does not make it alien to this planet, but that is the assumption that most people seem to make.
That DNA question is always overcome as one can easily say that it is mostly human and thus it has human DNA. You can explain anything away if you believe strong enough, but that does not make it true. We need to push for and demand truth whenever anyone makes a claim.
“absolute” … “I think”
That’s your whole argument right there.
In case you’ve gone through this blog with as little care as your last comment indicates you examined the material on my site, I should tell you here that I’m not opposed to the idea of aliens. I’m opposed to pseudo-scholarship, deception, and academic claptrap. There is zero physical evidence for aliens (unfortunately). It would be cool, but it doesn’t exist to this point. Please try and think more clearly.
“Science fiction and TV reality, Sunday bloody Sunday” U-2
Imagination is a great tool or a powerful foe. Some of the “history-Biblical” aspects can be “seen” in episodes of Star Trek and The Twilight Zone. Ancient peoples saw things they couldn’t explain with their limited understanding. For generations these things are passed down as fact, after years of wars, mis-interpretations, and so on, people no longer know or sometimes even care what happened way back then. Keep in mind the architects of the pyramids were executed after they were done to keep things secret. The fact that the measurements are so precise and the alignments so precise is just amazing and stands to reason that there was a reason for that.
Just because you didn’t witness the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan in WWII doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Just thinking of the amount of newspapers, books, recordings, etc that have been generated since the days of Moses is mind boggling, can any one person even attempt to read them all. There are entire cities buried in the desert in Afghanistan that no one knew about until recently, does anyone know why, or who did that, or even when it was done?
They were the ones that gave the technology that built the pyramids.
had to laugh here. Try reading the studies — there was no alien DNA in Tut’s DNA lineage.
This Zahi Hawass is a crook! As the sun rises and sets is continues to coverup the fact that the ancient people of Kemet (Egypt) where black!
thanks good to kno what is true and not believe so easy people that just want mak money and not help in real investigations
Guess what it is not an alien fetus
You know that it was not an alien I’m study mummies for a school project and to let you no that was kit tuts young daughter that died around his death even I know that and to let you know I’m gust 11 and in six grade get real facts
I agree – I’m poking fun at the alien idea.