Boy, the ancient aliens just can’t catch a break. Now a researcher of Stonehenge and Britain’s other famous bluestones has discovered a workable technology for moving huge stones with the materials available to the prehistorical humans who erected megalithic sites.
2011 isn’t starting well for ancient astronaut acolytes.
Vey cool indeed. However we still need a full-scale demonstration of this “technology”. And let’s stay amazed of what they were able to do and think of in those days.
I am still puzzled by people who think aliens are such great architects. They can’t even fly here without crashing, near a military base, no less. That’s kind of like rear-ending a cop after a few too many brewskies. And when they do manage to get around, what do they choose to do? Abduct cattle and new-agers. Way to scew the sample, there, Spock.
Keith Payne
THAT was halarious!
May I add, that their probably “teenagers” out for a joy ride in their parents spaceship. They diregarded their parents warning NOT to go into earth. Like those idiots who jump the zoo barrier because they want to be closer to the animals. Then promptly get mauled. I mean come on, you fly the whole universe & crash in this stinking moat? Definately NOT specialt forces ET’s were talking about here……
I enjoy reading the out there articles and the mainstream counterarguments. This is the first time I am disappointed with one of these articles. Some scientist came up with a way to move stones great distances using old world materials? That’s great but where is the proof this technique was used? I would of been much more intrigued if they found some proof linking the theory to the site.
like someone said above – has this been demonstrated in real life? also, has any evidence of the tools used do move stones in that manner been found to support that theory? i’m not suggesting that if this is false, then it must have been the aliens, haha. but that there may merely be another way of moving such size stones. also, what about the 20-30 ton stones found at other sites – how were those moved?
The neat thing about Wallington’s method (or this one – or a combination of the techniques) is that they are scalable. Simply add manpower or bigger levers to magnify the physics that works for you, not against you. No one knows exactly which methods were used and when and for what projects. The point with these sorts of items is that technological approaches existed that can actually accomplish the tasks.
How did they push them uphill?
a little thing I like to call “labor.”
How about the other ancient structures in south America, especially the ones on mountain tops? Or the underwater structures all over the world, Any paleobabble blog about that?
built with normal techniques. We need to stop treating these people like buffoons. They were masters of applied physics.
why did these master aliens use clay tablets to leave us messages….when they have the tech to travel through the universe in time machines.why did they not write their messages on the same (metal) materials as their crafts were made of.
i’ll beleive in et when one knocks on my door and ask me for a pen and paper ok.l
I found a whole list of Megaliths on wikipedia
for the sake of filling your blog with more info.
Its kinda cool ancient civilzations who did not have a writting language share the ideas
of erecting these stones, some of them possibly without contacts with another..
My best bet is they were hunters, unfortunatly there isnt much to say except speculations
because there is not much tools found..
This the latest on Stonehenge, a underground view using google beta software..
Megalith era funeral ground on the golan heights ( although it is implied that the Golan heights are part of Israel and not Syria)
Megalith era funeral ground on the golan heights ( although it is implied that the Golan heights are part of Israel and not Syria)
Ancient Middle Eastern stone structures revealed by Google Earth
(hope no one scream aliens)
@ MHS here is a new Theory about Stonehenge : It could have been inspired by sound:
personally, i think that sound evolved naturally between empty and solid space; i think the writer is
just fascinated by sound..
it seems to me archaeo-astronomy is a much better explanation.
absolutely, this for stonehenge and most of megaliths sites areound the world