The idea that there are people out there who think they are “starseeds” with tragic amnesia about their extraterrestrial heritage wasn’t new to me. But it may be to readers, who don’t have the benefit of having listened to thousands of hours of Coast to Coast AM like I did in grad school. Aside from that, I couldn’t pass up alerting readers to this funny post on this alternate religious anthropology (!) from the Skeptophilia blog. Enjoy it, earthlings!
Think You're An Alien?

After having logged thousands of listening hours myself, I can attest…Coast to Coast AM is another dimension. Have you ever made a guest appearance on the show?
Prior to reading the”Starseed” post, I was aware of my status as an “alien”…and a stranger. However, I wasn’t always one.
I’ve been on Coast over 20 times; it’s fun.
20+ times…yowzers! When was your first appearance on the show?
2001, with Ian Punnett (it was supposed to be Art Bell, but he got sick – actually a funny story behind that). I was one with Art Bell several times, and once more with Ian and Barbara Simpson. The rest have been with George Noory.
Ah yes, all familiar names to me. It’s been quite a number of years since I listened to the live broadcast, but I do seem to recall hearing you on the show a time or two. Thank you for your willingness to serve our Messiah in this way, as well as the many other insightful resources that you provide. I’m so grateful to have discovered them.