I recommend this UK Telegraph article to anyone interested in how (“big C”) conspiracists think: “The 9-11 Conspiracy Theorist Who Changed His Mind.” It’s about the conversion, so to speak, of a formerly high-profile 9-11 Truther. Very interesting, and certainly applicable to the same thought patterns of UFO religionists.
Conspiracy Thinking and Intolerance

of course there are all kinds of loonie conspiracies about 911, but i don’t call conspiracy theorists to these people:
scientists, engineers, architects, even Lynn Margulis, Michael Meacher MP, David R Griffin and even the so called MSMedia has it’s doubts….although never on the front page http://www.historycommons.org/project.jsp?project=911_project
P.S. the person mentioned on this article never was a prominent 9/11 truther.
so his relationship to Jones is contrived?
(Or is that a conspiracy, too?)
Let’s get real – he changed his view. You need to deal with that.
Hi Mike,
I’m a fan and student of your work and your opinion is highly repected. I have walked a very similar path to that of Guy Malone but with a few “twists” that would have been worthy of “description” in the Facade.Which I throughly enjoyed btw and look forward to the sequel.
Re: 9/11…I don’t think it was an “inside job” nor do I think Mossad did it etc.
The one question that remains for me and hasn’t been adequately explained ,that I know of, concerns Building 7.
How was it that CNN and the BBC reported Building 7 as fallen several minutes (20) before the building actually fell? The BBC reporter reported it as fallen when you could see the building still standing in the background?
It was said to be a live broadcast.
TV reporters are often inept, and so I don’t see how ineptitude (mis-identification) doesn’t work here. Granted, I have a fairly low view of journalists in general, so that may bias me here, but the truth is that 99% of them are experts in nothing (there are exceptions). Journalism is a “skills degree” – you learn how to do things like write for newspaper word count, interview people, use investigative data tools, etc. TV journalists are probably the least trained (think about what they do – read, visually note which camera is on them, and say something in the time allotted. Many people in this field that spend their career looking at a camera are hardly qualified to observe or analyze anything, and really wind up reporting what someone else has told them.
So very disappointing to see that you don’t understand the utterly fraudulent nature of the Official Conspiracy Theory of the events of 9/11. I swallowed the official story for years; then in the Spring of 2009 I actually took the time to examine the evidence with an open mind. Dr. Heiser, I discovered your work on UFOs and “aliens” recently and have been hugely impressed. But as I say, this is a real disappointment. Cheap psychologizing about “conspiracy thinking” just doesn’t cut it when it comes to 9/11.
For what it’s worth, I am a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, Columbia College, and the University of Virginia School of Law; hold a steady job; lead a conservative lifestyle, and am the father of 3 children. You simply can’t pidgeonhole me as a “conspiracy loon” — and the same is true of all of the other “Truthers” that I know.
I hope you will take some time to study the subject. You might start with reading Dr. David Ray Griffin’s books, and looking at some websites such as ae911truth.org, militaryofficers911truth.com, patriotsquestion911.com, andtruthandshadows.wordpress.com (and there are many others). Key films to watch are “9/11 Mysteries – Part I: Demolitions”; “9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out”; “9/11 – The Myth and the Reality”; “September 11th Revisited”, and “9/11: Press for Truth”.
I’m really not interested in it. I considered it until it became truly bizarre. It’s like the Kennedy assassination. The people who oppose the conspiracy are just as qualified to make assessments of the evidence, but people who believe in a conspiracy will never listen to them because they, well, believe the other side. And the same could be said in reverse. I think it’s a waste of time. I don’t need the 911 conspiracy to know the government is corrupt and we’re on the road to a police state and fascism. Nearly every day of the Obama administration informs me of that (and I’m not excusing the Bush administrations from that either; it just wasn’t as overt most of the time).
Dr. Heiser, thanks for your response. I will continue to follow your work with great interest.
you’re welcome
Wait a minute. If you weren’t interested in the subject, you wouldn’t have posted the story in the first place. So that seems somewhat disingenuous.
The point of the story is conspiracy *thinking* which I am interested in. I don’t care about the specific item the person was involved in.
I can appreciate Dr. Heiser’s view here.
“I don’t need the 911 conspiracy to know the government is corrupt and we’re on the road to a police state and fascism. Nearly every day of the Obama administration informs me of that (and I’m not excusing the Bush administrations from that either; it just wasn’t as overt most of the time).”
Just like Gulf of Tonkin, and even Pearl Harbor, we can go back to the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram. Our overloads are evil. What do we do about it? At some point, we well may be put into a position such that as Bonhoeffer, and may well have to choose that same price. Are we prepared for that?
Jesse Ventura puts it another way. Until “the people” demand and get subpoena power, and convene a federal grand jury, and perform genuine discovery on these matters, we are spinning our wheels. And all other efforts are in vain.
I think another matter, in terms of success of getting to the truth, involves the simple matter of “the people” neglecting and obeying the “natural law.” Too many in our current populace do not comprehend enough this natural law. Until then, the Law Giver will probably not grant us this “power.”