Jack Brewer has posted a recent email exchange with Dr. Gary Nolan, the Stanford scientist who conducted the DNA work on the alleged “Atacama alien.” It’s readable and interesting, and so I recommend it to my readers. Some key statements by Dr. Nolan:

The specimen has interesting mutations, but all mainstream genetics.

As to the utility of DNA I am ambivalent. It’s so easy to contaminate DNA or misinterpret the results.

Dr. Nolan has also examined the “Starchild” skull. Jack Brewer included that topic as part of his interview. Again, interesting comments from Dr. Nolan:

I reached out to Dr. Pye originally, and subsequently met him in Manchester, UK, around my offer to examine the skull (after looking online at his evidence). He was very forthcoming and brought the specimen here to Stanford (I paid for the cost of his visit). We had it examined with two high end instruments and by a noted bone specialist. While the skull is certainly unusual (no one can deny that), it also did not fall under the provenance of any known genetic syndromes (despite the skeptics online) according to local experts. So I think the Starchild group’s statements about that latter point are credible. . . .

However, that doesn’t mean it’s not a NEW, purely human, syndrome that affected the skull structure of the deceased. According to the bone specialist he still felt it fell within the realm of “unusual, but still human”. He didn’t rule anything out, but he also didn’t suggest “not human”. Interpret that last statement with all due care. . . .

The problem with the Starchild claims are they are too easy with even a college class in evolutionary genetics to dismiss as overstated. Their current claims, using the available evidence, undermine their goals. And (frankly) allows less open-minded skeptics to paint reasonable scientists interested in the area with the “enthusiast” brush. That discredits the larger goal of understanding exactly what is going on with the Skull and other phenomenon.

Read the rest here.